Theatre (THR)
THR 100 Perspectives in the Theatre 3
Theatre as an art form centers around how the actor, director, designers, etc. collaborate. Traversing a diverse collection of plays and performances, students consider how multiple perspectives of story, contexts, and aesthetics inform the creative process. Comprised of lectures, demonstrations, and classroom investigations of drama.
MAC: MAC CritThink Hum and Fine Art
THR 101 Theatre First Year Foundations 3
Introduction to the people and resources that can assist new students in developing academic skills, while also helping students gain an understanding of the workings of the School of Theatre. Students will also develop introductory tools in theatrical critique, qualitative research, and critical thinking.
MAC: MAC Foundations
Prerequisites: Must have fewer than 60 credits to enroll or can enroll by Written Permission.
THR 107 Musical Theatre Lab 0
A weekly class focusing on the vast array of Musical Theatre repertoire and styles. Students will also discuss industry trends and topics, health and wellness modalities for peak performance, as well as the business of auditioning, self-promotion, and marketing.
Prerequisites: BFA Drama with Musical Theatre concentration.
Corequisites: THR 118 or THR 119 or THR 218 or THR 219 or THR 318 or THR 319.
Notes: Grade: Pass/Not Pass (P/NP). May be repeated for credit.
THR 108 Musical Theatre Studio I 3
A studio course that synthesizes the work being done in students' acting, dynamics, vocal, dance, and analysis courses and allows for practical application through Musical Theatre performance.
Prerequisites: THR 118. THR 201; THR 235; Open only to students in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration.
THR 110 Designing Ceremonies: Global Perspectives 3
This course explores how to design ceremonies associated with life transitions (birthdays, coming of age rites, weddings, and funerals), while considering how theatrical design elements can be found in human rituals and rites from around the world.
MAC: MAC CritThink Hum and Fine Art
THR 118 Musical Theatre Voice I 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the first in an eight semester sequence. In the first year students should demonstrate healthy habits of breathing and resonance techniques and be able to sing in fundamental classic and contemporary musical theatre styles.
Prerequisites: Audition Required. Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration;
Corequisites: THR 107.
THR 119 Musical Theatre Voice II 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the second in an eight semester sequence. In the first year students should demonstrate healthy habits of breathing and resonance techniques and be able to sing in fundamental classic and contemporary musical theatre styles.
Prerequisites: THR 118. Audition Required; Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration;
Corequisites: THR 107.
THR 120 Voice for Actors and other Storytellers 3
This course lays a foundation for the exploration of the student's unique, individual capacity for full expression, powerful communication, and presence. Students will learn essential components of the anatomy as they pertain to the work of the storyteller, and strategies for sustained healthy use and maintenance of the voice.
Prerequisites: DRAM major.
THR 130 Acting Fundamentals for Stage and Screen 3
Understanding and appreciation of the problems, demands, and disciplines of the actor's art, including works for both stage and film.
MAC: MAC Oral Communication
Prerequisites: Non-Drama majors.
THR 135 The Business of Entertainment: Broadway to Hollywood 3
Examination of the business of theatre and acting, the entertainment industry and the major theatre and film markets in the United States. Preparation for launch into theatre related professions, including communication skills, contracts, budgeting, financial planning, preparing professional "industry-standard" materials, representation, interviews and networking.
MAC: MAC Oral Communication
THR 140 Stagecrafts: Scenery 2
Introduction to technical theatre practice, backstage organization, tools, hardware, materials, and current scenery construction methods.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 140L or previous credit for THR 140L. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 140L Stagecrafts: Scenery Lab 1
Crew experience working either backstage or in the scene studio for a School of Theatre production.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 140 or previous credit for THR 140. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 145 Stagecrafts: Costume 2
Study of costume technology, including garment construction, fabrics, and history, for the creation of theatrical costumes.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 145L or previous credit for THR 145L. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 145L Stagecrafts: Costume Lab 1
Costume construction experience working in the costume studio for a School of Theatre production.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 145 or previous credit for THR 145. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 146 Stagecraft: Lighting & Sound 2
An introduction to the vocabulary, history, equipment, and techniques of sound and lighting equipment used in a performing arts environment. The class will combine hands-on projects and demonstrations to support lectures and textbook material.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 146L or previous credit for THR 146L. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 146L Stagecrafts: Lighting & Sound Lab 1
Crew experience working either backstage or in the lighting studio for a School of Theatre production.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 146 or previous credit for THR 146. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 147 Stagecrafts: Makeup & Wardrobe 2
An introduction to the basics of stage make-up application and wardrobe crew work for theatrical performances.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 147L or previous credit for THR 147L. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 147L Stagecrafts: Makeup & Wardrobe Lab 1
Wardrobe experience working as the wardrobe crew for a School of Theatre production.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in THR 147 or previous credit for THR 147. DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 175 Climate Change, Creativity, and Performance 3
The objectives of this course are to generate cross disciplinary compositions on the subject of climate change and to engage with the various definitions and issues of climate change and sustainability as they apply to the performing arts.
THR 182 Seminar in Theatre Pedagogy 1
BFA Theatre Education students broaden their own origins of theatre education to design and teach lessons within clinical simulations, incorporating the work of Viola Spolin as well as researching contemporary trends in professional education. Students take this course multiple times to prepare for THR 482 Teaching Methods in Theatre Arts.
Prerequisites: For students in the BFA in Drama: Theatre Education concentration only, or written permission from Instructor.
Notes: May be repeated up to three times for credit when topic varies.
THR 191 Theatre Practice - Scenery 1
Open to any student interested in participating in the scenery phase of production.
Prerequisites: THR 140.
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 192 Theatre Practice - Costumes 1
Open to any student interested in participating in the costuming phase of production.
Prerequisites: THR 145.
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 194 Apprentice Production Practicum 1
Beginning-level production work in scenery, lighting, costuming, sound, or stage management.
Prerequisites: THR 140 or THR 145 or THR 146 or THR 147. B.F.A. DRAM major: Design and Technical Production Concentration; or permission of instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 201 Playscript Analysis 3
Systems for analyzing playscripts which may be adapted and employed by directors, actors, and/or designers.
Prerequisites: DRAM major or School of Theatre minor or permission of instructor.
THR 208 Musical Theatre Studio II 3
A studio course that synthesizes the work being done in students' acting, dynamics, vocal, dance, and analysis courses and allows for practical application through Musical Theatre performance. MT Studio II focuses on extension of scene study to longer work development, including new works.
Prerequisites: THR 236. THR 119; Open only to students in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration.
THR 210 Broadway Shows: The Story of America 3
So you love to go see Broadway shows and tours, but don't know how this specifically American art form developed? This course will trace the history of Broadway from the early 1900's and investigate how these shows relate to the American story.
MAC: MAC Written Communication
THR 218 Musical Theatre Voice III 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the third in an eight semester sequence. In the second year students should demonstrate continued development of technique as well as growth in vocal range and stamina with addition of new styles.
Prerequisites: THR 119. Audition Required; Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration;
Corequisites: THR 107.
THR 219 Musical Theatre Voice IV 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the fourth in an eight semester sequence. In the second year students should demonstrate continued development of technique as well as growth in vocal range and stamina with addition of new styles.
Prerequisites: THR 218. Audition Required; Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration;
Corequisites: THR 107.
THR 221 Dynamics in Acting: Movement I 3
Practical exercise in physical disciplines to develop concentration, imagination, and the body as the actor's instrument.
Prerequisites: B.F.A. in Acting and B.F.A. in Musical Theatre Students only.
THR 222 Dynamics in Acting: Voice I 3
Beginning course in the voice/speech sequence in the B.F.A. Acting program. Understanding of breath, foundations of voice production, elements of speech.
Prerequisites: B.F.A. in Acting and B.F.A. in Musical Theatre Students only.
THR 231 Acting I 3
Introduction to the ideas of Konstantin Stanislavsky's system for modern acting. Voice and movement warm-up exercises along with beginning acting exercises that culminate in basic scene study.
MAC: MAC Oral Communication
Prerequisites: Restricted to Theatre Department majors and minors.
THR 232 Acting II 3
Application of basic techniques developed in 231 to elementary scene study. Introduction to the Stanislavski System. Further study in movement, voice, and improvisation.
Prerequisites: THR 231.
THR 235 Acting Studio 1 3
The foundational course in the study of the Stanislavki acting system. Students will begin their exploration of "living truthfully in a set of imaginary circumstances."
Prerequisites: B.F.A. in Acting and B.F.A. in Musical Theatre students only.
THR 236 Acting Studio 2 3
An introduction to the Sanford Meisner technique: emphasis on moment-to-moment work, playing simple actions, and personalizing the imaginary circumstances.
Prerequisites: THR 235.
THR 240 Elements of Design for the Stage 3
Introduction to the basic knowledge of theatrical designs including but not limited to set, costume, lighting, sound, and media designs. No previous design experience is necessary. Course content will include lectures, class discussion, student presentations, journals, written examinations, and hands-on exploration.
Prerequisites: Drama Majors or Minors.
THR 242 Technical Production: Scenery 2
Further develop the theatrical construction skills and knowledge necessary for advanced construction techniques and installation of scenic units.
Prerequisites: THR 140 or permission of instructor.
THR 244 Technical Production: Costumes 2
To further develop costume technology skills taught at the beginning level in THR 145.
Prerequisites: THR 145 or permission of instructor.
THR 245 Theatre Graphics 3
Introduction to the basic materials and techniques of graphic presentation in scenic, costume, and lighting design for the theatre.
THR 246 Technical Production: Sound and Lighting 2
Enhance the student's familiarity with the process and equipment used in modern theatre production.
Prerequisites: THR 146 or permission of instructor.
THR 248 Portfolio Preparation for the Theatre 3
This course guides students in developing the materials and skills necessary to present their education and experience to employers in the most effective manner, including resumes, cover letters, and portfolios.
Prerequisites: At least two courses from the following: THR 140, THR 145, THR 146, or THR 147. Design and Technical Production concentration; or permission of the instructor.
THR 260 Advanced Makeup 3
Special emphasis on character analysis, physiognomy, color, three-dimensional make-up, rubber prosthesis, beard and wig make-up for theatre, film and television production.
Prerequisites: THR 147 or permission of instructor.
THR 262 Technical Production: Wigs, Hair and Makeup 2
An introduction to the technical skills associated with the construction and styling of wigs, and to further develop the skills taught as part of THR 147 Stagecrafts.
Prerequisites: THR 147 or permission of instructor.
THR 280 The Mask in Performance 3
A cross-cultural introduction to masks throughout history, their construction, and use in performance.
THR 291 Experiential Theatre Project 1-4
Supervised practical experience in various areas of theatre production.
Prerequisites: B.A. and B.F.A. Drama Majors.
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 294 Intern Production Practicum 2
Intermediate-level production work in scenery, lighting, costuming, sound, or stage management.
Prerequisites: THR 140 or THR 145 or THR 146 or THR 147. BFA in DRAM: Design and Technical Production concentration;
Notes: May be repeated for a total of 12 s.h.
THR 300X Experimental Course 1-6
This number reserved for experimental courses. Refer to the Course Schedule for current offerings.
THR 306 Musicianship for Musical Theatre I 3
Development of musicianship skills to be used specifically for the Musical theatre genre.
THR 308 Musical Theatre Studio III 3
A studio course that synthesizes the work being done in students' acting, dynamics, vocal, dance, and analysis courses and allows for practical application through Musical Theatre performance. MT Studio III focuses on full works and character narrative.
Prerequisites: THR 208. THR 219; THR 332; Open only to students in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration.
THR 309 Singing for the Actor 1
Study of basic principles of vocal production for Musical Theatre repertoire, to include acquaintance with appropriate style, song choice, and performance.
Prerequisites: Open to all Theatre Majors (BA, BFA) and Music Theatre Minors.
THR 315 Creative Drama for the Classroom Teacher 3
Preschool and elementary school creative drama and its place in preschool and K–5 curricula. Emphasis on fundamentals, materials, teaching techniques, and evaluation.
THR 316 Musicianship for Musical Theatre II 3
Continued development of musicianship skills to be used specifically for the Musical theatre genre.
Prerequisites: THR 306.
THR 318 Musical Theatre Voice V 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the fifth in an eight semester sequence. In the third year students will sing effectively in a variety of styles while continuing to strengthen healthy vocal technique. As development allows, students will choose repertoire.
Prerequisites: THR 219. Audition Required; Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration;
Corequisites: THR 107.
THR 319 Musical Theatre Voice VI 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the sixth in an eight semester sequence. In the third year students will sing effectively in a variety of styles while continuing to strengthen healthy vocal technique. As development allows, students will choose repertoire.
Prerequisites: THR 318. Audition Required; Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration;
Corequisites: THR 107.
THR 320 Ensemble-based Physical Theatre 3
Through the exploration and analysis of movement and various physical theatre’s techniques, this laboratory-based class aims to provide new tools for the actor to expand their physical vocabulary to create characters and devise new material as an individual and within an ensemble.
THR 321 Dynamics in Acting: Movement II 3
Advanced daily practical exercise in physical disciplines to develop concentration, imagination, and the body as the actor's instrument.
Prerequisites: THR 221. B.F.A. in Acting and B.F.A. in Musical Theatre Students only.
THR 322 Dynamics in Acting: Voice II 3
Continuation course in the voice/speech sequence in the B.F.A. Acting program. IPA, vocal range, elements of speech, application to dramatic text.
Prerequisites: THR 222. B.F.A. in Acting and B.F.A. in Musical Theatre Students only.
THR 331 Acting Studio 3 3
Concentrated study in script and role analysis. Intensive improvisation to develop acting techniques.
Prerequisites: THR 236.
THR 332 Acting Studio 4 3
Working in the Stanislavski system as it applies to performance for the camera rather than a live audience. Focus will include film work, episodic television, soap operas, and sitcoms.
Prerequisites: THR 331.
THR 340 Scenic Automation and Technology 3
Introduction to mechanical devices used for automation of stage scenery. Topics covered will include stage winches, fluid power (hydraulics & pneumatics), control systems, and system design.
Prerequisites: THR 140 and THR 242 or permission of instructor.
THR 345 Theatre Properties & Crafts 3
An introduction to materials and methods for theatre properties. These may include upholstery, vacuum forming, food crafts, painting, furniture construction & repair.
Prerequisites: THR 140 or permission of instructor.
THR 346 Costume Crafts 3
Exploration of basic design elements and fabrics relative to costuming. Laboratory projects in costume crafts.
Prerequisites: THR 145 or permission of instructor.
THR 349 Workshop in Musical Theatre 3
An exploration of musical theatre in a studio workshop setting.
Prerequisites: By audition only and THR 307 and THR 231 or THR 235.
Notes: May be repeated when topic varies for a total of 9 s.h.
THR 351 Scene Design 3
Principles and practice of scene design for performance.
Prerequisites: THR 140/THR 140L or THR 240. or permission of instructor.
THR 357 Musical Theatre Audition Technique 3
For students in the BFA Musical Theatre Program, or others by permission of instructor. This course is an intensive study of proper audition techniques for Musical Theatre.
Prerequisites: THR 306.
THR 361 Costume Design 3
Principles and practice of costume design for performance.
Prerequisites: THR 145/THR 145L or THR 240. or permission of instructor.
THR 363 Introduction to Wig Making 3
Introduction to common wig making techniques such as ventilation and wefting, lace front construction, simple facial hair sets, and how to take a head tracing for more accurate wig and facial hair construction.
Prerequisites: THR 147.
THR 370 Lighting Design 3
Principles and practice of lighting design for theatre, television and film.
Prerequisites: THR 146/THR 146L or THR 240. or permission of instructor.
THR 375 Theatrical Sound Design and Technology 3
An introduction to the theory, aesthetics, and technology of theatrical sound design.
Prerequisites: THR 146. BFA in DRAM: Design and Technical Production concentration; or permission of the instructor.
THR 380 Playwriting 3
Exercises in dramaturgical techniques including adapting literature for performance. Composition of one-act plays.
THR 386 Introduction to Stage Management 3
Introduction to the duties and responsibilities of the theatrical stage manager; emphasis on the stage manager's place in the theatrical organization and their interaction with other members of the production.
Prerequisites: Major or Minor in the CVPA. or permission of instructor.
THR 391 Variable Topics in Theatrical Design 3
An intensive study of practices in design for the performing arts. Topics vary each semester.
Prerequisites: THR 242 or THR 244 or THR 246 or THR 262 or permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.
THR 392 Variable Topics in Technical Production 3
An intensive study of topics in technical production for the performing arts using interdisciplinary skills. Topics vary by semester.
Prerequisites: THR 242 or THR 244 or THR 246 or THR 262 or permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.
THR 394 Journeyman Production Practicum 3
Advanced-level production work in scenery, lighting, costuming, sound, or stage management.
Prerequisites: THR 140 or THR 145 or THR 146 or THR 147. BFA in DRAM: Design and Technical Production concentration;
Notes: May be repeated for a total of 12 s.h.
THR 395 Special Problems 1-3
Guided individual study in an area of special interest to the student.
Prerequisites: Permission of faculty supervisor is required prior to registration.
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 400 Theatre History I 3
Specific conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. Origins through the late French Renaissance up to the English Restoration.
Prerequisites: THR 201.
THR 400X Experimental Course 1-6
This number reserved for experimental courses. Refer to the Course Schedule for current offerings.
THR 401 Theatre History II 3
Specific conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. The English Restoration and German Romanticism through Modern and Postmodern movements.
Prerequisites: THR 201.
THR 402 Theatre History III 3
Specific conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. I: Origins to Renaissance; II: Early Modern to Realism; III: Modernism to Postmodernism.
THR 403 Styles in Performance Design I 3
A survey of historical architecture and decor styles from antiquity to the present and how they are used in design for performance.
Prerequisites: Admission to BFA Drama, Design amp. Technical Production concentration; or permission of instructor.
THR 404 Styles in Performance Design II 3
A survey of historical clothing and accessories from antiquity to the present and how they are used in design for performance.
Prerequisites: Admission to BFA Drama, Design amp. Technical Production concentration; or permission of instructor.
THR 405 American Theatre History 3
Development of Theatre in America from its beginnings to the present. Includes consideration of theatre artists and companies, audiences, performance spaces, production and business practices, plays, and playwrights.
Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of instructor.
THR 406 Global Performance and Theatre 3
Cultural performance and theatre around the world engage elements of music, dance, storytelling, ritual, drama, and so much more. Investigate dramatic texts and performance from different global contexts to expand comprehension of theatre as a global phenomenon. Localities vary with instructor.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.
Notes: May be repeated for up to 6 s.h., depending on course content.
THR 407 Feminist Theatre 3
Survey of feminist theatre, focusing on performance texts that address salient concerns of the various waves of feminism from the 1960s to the present. Queer feminisms, Black feminisms and other intersectional lenses will be considered through exploration of contemporary plays.
THR 408 Musical Theatre Studio IV 3
A studio course that synthesizes the work being done in students' acting, dynamics, vocal, dance, and analysis courses and allows for practical application through Musical Theatre performance. MT Studio IV focuses on continuation of practical performance application, as well as final industry preparation for seniors majoring in Musical Theatre.
Prerequisites: THR 108. THR 118; THR 119; THR 201; THR 208; THR 218; THR 219; THR 235; THR 236; THR 308; THR 318; THR 319; THR 331; THR 332; Open only to students in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration.
THR 409 Topics in Theatre for Social Change 3
Defining and describing major aspects of theatre for social change and its uses culturally, socially, and politically. This course is a survey of the history both nationally and globally, of theatre as social art, a tool for justice, a channel for personal transformation, and a means of artistic liberation.
Prerequisites: THR 210.
THR 410 Directing I 3
Fundamental principles of directing for the theatre including adapting literature for performance.
Prerequisites: THR 201, junior standing, and Theatre Major. or permission of the instructor.
THR 411 Directing II 3
An intermediate directing course that involves the student in the theory and practice of contemporary plays.
Prerequisites: Two theatre courses and THR 201 and THR 410. or permission of instructor.
THR 415 Drama in Education 3
Research and literature of drama strategies and techniques for children, ages 5 through 14. Practice in leading groups of children in drama in educational settings.
Prerequisites: B.A. and B.F.A. Theatre Majors, or permission of the instructor.
THR 416 Puppetry 3
Scope and development of puppetry throughout the world. Practical experience in the design, making, and performing of puppets.
Prerequisites: B.A. and B.F.A. Theatre Majors, or permission of the instructor.
THR 417 Devised Theatre 3
Research and literature of devised theatre in pedagogy and methodology. Practice in facilitating devised theatre in education and in the community.
Prerequisites: B.A. and B.F.A. Theatre Majors, or permission of the instructor.
THR 418 Musical Theatre Voice VII 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the seventh in an eight semester sequence. A variety of cuts and/or full songs chosen by student with approval by instructor will be worked and perfected in order to expand students' repertoire and technique.
Prerequisites: THR 319. Audition Required; Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration.
THR 419 Musical Theatre Voice VIII 2
Vocal technique studies focusing specifically on technique related to musical theatre vocal production. This is the eighth in an eight semester sequence. A variety of cuts and/or full songs chosen by student with approval by instructor will be worked and perfected in order to expand students' repertoire and technique.
Prerequisites: THR 418. Audition Required; Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Musical Theatre Concentration.
THR 421 Physical Violence for the Stage 3
Intensive study and practice of the mechanics of stage violence for advanced performance students. Focus on safe performance techniques for violence in period and contemporary texts.
Prerequisites: THR 332. Drama Major.
THR 422 Stage Dialects 3
A study of selected dialects of English for performance, including dialect in cultural context and the application to dramatic text.
Prerequisites: THR 322. B.F.A. in Acting, B.F.A. in Musical Theatre Students only.
THR 424 Black and Indigenous People of Color Plays in Theatre for Youth 3
Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) Plays in Theatre for Youth explores literature in Theatre for Youth written by people of color. Includes scripts, playwrights, and productions.
Prerequisites: THR 201.
THR 426 Broadway: Development of the American Musical 3
Traces Musical Theatre's development from early traditions to present day. Exploration of operetta, vaudeville, burlesque, revue, and musical comedy and how they have contributed to the modern-day musical. Continued work on the trends, challenges, and triumphs of the modern day Broadway musical. Illustrated lectures and demonstrations.
THR 431 Acting Studio 5 3
Study and practice of acting styles outside contemporary realism, focusing on techniques required for the heightened language & physicality of non-Shakespearean Western texts, including plays in translation, from the Greeks to the present day.
Prerequisites: THR 332. BFA Acting, BFA Musical Theatre majors only.
THR 432 Advanced Shakespeare Studio 3
Study and practice of Shakespearean acting styles. Performance emphasizing manners, movement, and vocal delivery of the Elizabethan period.
Prerequisites: THR 332. B.F.A. Acting Majors, B.F.A. Musical Theatre Majors only.
THR 434 Camera Acting: Basic Techniques 3
An examination of the differences between acting on film and acting on stage. Students will act in a variety of different types of camera work including feature films, dramas, sitcoms, and commercials.
Prerequisites: THR 231. Theatre Majors only.
THR 435 Performance Styles 3
Introduction to acting styles such as Greek, Commedia dell'Arte, Shakespeare, and Comedy of Manners, with pedagogical opportunity to lesson-plan for additional genres and styles.
Prerequisites: THR 232. Drama major.
THR 436 Advanced Acting for the Camera Studio 3
An advanced study of performance for the camera. Camera scene study will continue with added emphasis on clarity of intention and accuracy of repetition.
Prerequisites: THR 332. B.F.A. in Acting and B.F.A. in Musical Theatre students only.
THR 439 Professional Theatre Audition Techniques 3
Audition theory, techniques, and practice for theatre, television, and films.
Prerequisites: THR 332. B.F.A. and M.F.A. Actors only; or permission of instructor.
THR 440 Advanced Stagecrafts 3
Study of advanced scenic construction, property construction, and rigging techniques for the stage. Supervised laboratory work in wood, plastics, metal, and other materials.
Prerequisites: THR 140 and THR 242. or permission of instructor.
THR 441 Technical Direction 3
Theatrical technical direction with emphasis on organizational, managerial, and problem-solving duties and responsibilities. Lecture combined with practical projects.
Prerequisites: THR 140 and THR 444. or permission of instructor.
THR 442 Scene Painting I 3
Tools, materials, and techniques of scene painting.
Prerequisites: THR 242. Design and Technical Production concentration; or permission of instructor.
THR 443 Advanced Scene Painting 3
Advanced practice of scenic art techniques and their incorporation into design as integral components of theatrical expression. Emphasis will be given to the creation of pictorial representations, variations in layout practices, and incorporation of stencils.
Prerequisites: THR 442 or permission of instructor.
THR 444 Computer Aided Drafting for the Theatre 3
Introduction to the fundamentals of Computer Aided Drafting and its use in theatre.
Prerequisites: THR 245 or permission of instructor.
THR 445 Professional Practices in Design and Technical Production 1
In this course, students evaluate their portfolio materials and explore topics related to standard theatre practices. Students leave this course with a Launch Plan, laying out their post-graduation goals and plans to achieve them. Discussion topics may include freelancing, graduate school, design and tech unions, hiring practices, and adjacent industries.
Prerequisites: THR 248. Open only to those in the BFA Drama with Design and Technical Production concentration; Senior status; or permission of instructor.
THR 446 Advanced CAD for the Theatre 3
Continuation of Computer Aided Drafting for the Theatre concentrating on 3-D virtual modeling and visualization and its use in the theatre.
Prerequisites: THR 444 or permission of instructor.
THR 448 Stage Millinery and Accessories 3
Historical millinery and accessories in relation to stage adaptation; design and construction techniques.
Prerequisites: THR 145. or permission of instructor.
THR 449 Costume Pattern Drafting and Draping 3
Advanced garment production processes and practices for stage and film with an emphasis on pattern creation, manipulation, fitting, alterations. Introduction of specific construction techniques for creating historical garments for performance. Preparation for careers in costume related fields.
Prerequisites: THR 244. or permission of instructor.
THR 450 Advanced Scene Design 3
Advanced problems in set design for performance. Topics may vary with each offering.
Prerequisites: THR 351. BA or BFA in DRAM; or permission of instructor.
THR 460 Advanced Costume Design 3
Advanced problems in costume design for performance. Topics may vary with each offering.
Prerequisites: THR 361. BA or BFA in DRAM; or permission of instructor.
THR 461 Makeup Special Effects 3
Students will explore the principles, materials and techniques of making and applying 3 dimensional special makeup effects through hands-on projects that focus on physiognomy and principles of design. Develop skills in sculpting, special effects prosthetic application, mold-making, lifecasting and makeup painting techniques.
Prerequisites: THR 262 or permission of instructor.
THR 467 BFA Performance Senior Seminar: Preparing to Showcase Your Talents Post Graduation 3
Preparing the graduating theatre artist for a New York showcase and assisting them in the transition from college to their first year as a professional actor.
Prerequisites: THR 332.
THR 470 Advanced Lighting Design 3
Advanced problems in lighting design for performance. Topics may vary with each offering.
Prerequisites: THR 370 and THR 444. BA or BFA in DRAM; or permission of instructor.
THR 480 Playwriting II 3
Focus on advanced play construction and dramatic writing.
Prerequisites: THR 380.
THR 482 Teaching Methods in Theatre Arts 3
Philosophy, means, and methods for conducting classes and structuring curricular and cocurricular theatre activities. Includes internship in public schools as lab. Required for Theatre Education teacher licensure.
THR 483 Honors Work 3-6
Honors Work.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. 3.30 GPA in the major, 12 s.h. in the major;
Notes: May be repeated for credit if the topic of study changes.
THR 484 Theatre Management 3
Theatre organization and operation. Practical problems of financing, promoting, and staffing various theatre programs.
Prerequisites: B.A. and B.F.A. Theatre Majors, or permission of the instructor.
THR 485 Directing Practicum 1
Independent practice in directing the play; preparations of a 25-minute play or excerpt, and presentation in the Workshop Theatre. Benchmarks include project proposal prior to registration, extended five-page directorial statement with dramaturgy, auditions, rehearsal scheduling, single faculty-observed off-book rehearsal, dress/tech rehearsals, performance, and post-mortem formal paper.
Prerequisites: THR 410. B.F.A. Drama, Theatre Education K-12 Teaching Licensure concentration, or permission of the instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for a total of two semester hours.
THR 486 Theatre Management and Entrepreneurship 3
Learn how to develop and manage a theatre in the twenty-first century. This class provides fundamental knowledge and critical thinking skills to prepare students for a career in Theatre Management. Students will actively engage with the most relevant challenges faced by leaders in contemporary Theatre/Entrepreneurship.
Prerequisites: None.
Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 486 may not take THR 486 for credit.
THR 487 Theatre Field Studies 1-3
Guided off-campus study in the Theatre disciplines. Travel required. Site and topic will vary from semester to semester.
Notes: May be repeated for up to four (4) semester hours.
THR 488 Experiential Theatre Project II 1-4
Intensive experience in one or more areas of theatre production.
Prerequisites: B.A. and B.F.A. Drama Majors. THR 291; or permission of the instructor.
THR 489 Developing and Managing Educational Programs for Arts Organizations 3
Using a case study approach, students will learn about how education departments at arts organizations operate in the 21st century from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
Prerequisites: Must be majoring in a CVPA degree track or a School of Education degree track. Junior standing or above;
Notes: Same as AAD 489.
THR 490 Advanced Theatre Practice-Performance 1
Departmental auditions are open to all students, and credit is given to those who are cast.
Prerequisites: Written permission required.
Notes: May be repeated up to six (6) times for credit.
THR 491 Advanced Theatre Practice-Scenery 1
Open to non-Design and Technical Production students interested in participating in the scenery phase of production.
Prerequisites: THR 140. or permission of the instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 492 Advanced Theatre Practice-Costumes 1
Open to non-Design and Technical Production students interested in participating in the costuming phases of production.
Prerequisites: THR 145. or permission of the instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 493 Advanced Theatre Practice - Theatre Management 1
A study of theatre management through hands-on work for the School of Theatre. Students will work in the areas of box office, marketing, ushering, house management, community engagement, education, and development based on their preferences and the needs of the School of Theatre.
Prerequisites: Junior standing. or permission of the instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 494 Advanced Theatre Practice-Production 1
Open to non-Design and Technical Production students interested in participating in the technical phases of production.
Prerequisites: THR 140 or THR 145. Permission of Instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 495 Advanced Theatre Practice-Lighting 1
Open to non-Design and Technical Production students interested in participating in the lighting phase of production.
Prerequisites: One (1) s.h. of THR 191 and junior standing. or permission of instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 496 Advanced Theatre Practice-Running Crew 1
Open to any student interested in participating in the running crew phase of production.
Prerequisites: One (1) s.h. of THR 191 or THR 192 and junior standing. or permission of instructor;
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 497 Student Teaching in Theatre Arts 12
Capstone experience for theatre education majors: student teaching at elementary, middle, or high school levels; classroom management; discipline; lesson design and implementation; and assessment. Includes biweekly seminars.
Prerequisites: Grade of B- or better in THR 482. completion of all major and teacher licensure course work; and completion of 100 hours of pre-student teaching field experience in K-12 schools.
THR 498 Capstone Production Practicum 3
Capstone experience for a BFA DRAM major: Design and Technical Production concentration student.
Prerequisites: THR 140 or THR 145 or THR 146 or THR 147. junior standing and BFA DRAM major: Design and Technical Production concentration; or permission of instructor.
THR 500 Theatre History I 3
Specific conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. Origins through the late French Renaissance up to the English Restoration.
THR 501 Theatre History II 3
Specific conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. The English Restoration and German Romanticism through Modern and Postmodern movements.
THR 502 Theatre History III 3
Specific conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. I: Origins to Renaissance; II: Early Modern to Realism; III: Modernism to Postmodernism.
THR 503 Styles in Performance Design I 3
Survey of historical architecture and decor styles from antiquity to the present and how they are used in design for performance.
Prerequisites: Admission to M.F.A. in Drama or permission of instructor.
THR 504 Styles in Performance Design II 3
Survey of historical clothing and accessories from antiquity to the present and how they are used in design for performance.
Prerequisites: Admission to M.F.A. in Drama or permission of instructor.
THR 505 American Theatre History 3
Development of Theatre in America from its beginnings to the present. Includes consideration of theatre artists and companies, audiences, performance spaces, production and business practices, plays, and playwrights.
THR 506 Global Performance and Theatre 3
Cultural performance and theatre around the world engage elements of music, dance, storytelling, ritual, drama, and so much more. Investigate dramatic texts and performance from different global contexts to expand comprehension of theatre as a global phenomenon. Subject varies with instructor.
THR 507 Feminist Theatre 3
Survey of twentieth and twenty-first century British and American feminist theatre, focusing on performance texts that address salient concerns of first, second, and third wave feminists.
THR 511 Directing II 3
An intermediate directing course that involves the student in the theory and practice of contemporary plays.
Prerequisites: Two theatre courses and THR 201 and THR 410. or permission of instructor.
THR 515 Drama in Education 3
Research and literature of drama strategies and techniques for children, ages 5 through 14. Practice in leading groups of children in drama in educational settings.
Prerequisites: M.F.A. Theatre majors or permission of the instructor.
THR 516 Puppetry 3
Scope and development of puppetry throughout the world. Practical experience in the design, making, and performing of puppets.
Prerequisites: M.F.A. Theatre Majors or permission of the instructor.
THR 517 Devised Theatre 3
Research and literature of devised theatre pedagogy and methodology. Practice in facilitating devised theatre in education and in the community.
Prerequisites: M.F.A. Theatre majors or permission of the instructor.
THR 532 Advanced Shakespeare Studio 3
Study and practice of Shakespearean acting styles. Performance emphasizing manners, movement, and vocal delivery of the Elizabethan period.
Prerequisites: M.F.A. Acting concentration only.
THR 539 Professional Theatre Audition Techniques 3
Audition theory, techniques, and practice for theatre, television, and films.
Prerequisites: M.F.A. Actors concentration only or permission of instructor.
THR 540 Advanced Stagecrafts 3
Study of advanced scenic construction, property construction, and rigging techniques for the stage. Supervised laboratory work in wood, plastics, metal, and other materials.
THR 541 Technical Direction 3
Theatrical technical direction with emphasis on organizational, managerial, and problem-solving duties and responsibilities. Lecture combined with practical projects.
THR 542 Scene Painting I 3
Tools, materials, and techniques of scene painting.
THR 546 Advanced CAD for the Theatre 3
Continuation of Computer Aided Drafting for the Theatre concentrating on 3-D virtual modeling and visualization and its use in the theatre.
Prerequisites: THR 444 or permission of instructor.
THR 548 Stage Millinery and Accessories 3
Historical millinery and accessories in relation to stage adaptation; design and construction techniques.
THR 549 Costume Pattern Drafting and Draping 3
Targets students preparing for careers in costume related fields. Emphasis will be placed on pattern creation, manipulation, fitting, alterations, and construction techniques for creating historical garments for performance.
THR 584 Theatre Management 3
Theatre organization and operation. Practical problems of financing, promoting, and staffing various theatre programs.
Prerequisites: M.F.A. Theatre Major, or permission of the instructor.
THR 585 Directing Practicum 1
Practice in directing the play; preparations of a 25-minute play or excerpt, and presentation in the Workshop Theatre.
Prerequisites: THR 410 and M.F.A. Theatre Majors, or permission of the instructor.
Notes: May be repeated for a total of two semester hours.
THR 587 Theatre Field Studies 1-3
Guided off-campus study in the Theatre disciplines. Travel required. Site and topic will vary from semester to semester.
Notes: May be repeated for up to four (4) semester hours.
THR 588 Experiential Theatre Project II 1-4
Intensive experience in one or more areas of theatre production.
THR 596 Applied Theatre II 1-4
Intensive experience in one or more areas of theatre production.
Prerequisites: THR 291. B.A., B.F.A., and M.F.A. Theatre Majors, or permission of the instructor.
THR 601 Drama Theory and Criticism 3
Major concepts representative of Aristotelian drama and the chief artistic and philosophical trends underlying much of contemporary or non-Aristotelian drama.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated for a maximum of 3 hours credit.
THR 602 Seminar in Drama and Theatre History 3
Investigation of special topics in drama and theatre history. Topics vary each semester.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated twice for credit when topic varies.
THR 603 Acting Seminar 3
Historical and theoretical perspectives related to acting. Topics vary each semester.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit.
THR 605 Broadway: Development of the American Musical 3
Exploring Musical Theatre's development from European tradition to a uniquely American art form. Places operetta, minstrelsy, vaudeville, burlesque, revue, and musical comedy into historical context. Illustrated lectures and demonstrations.
THR 608 Musical Theatre Literature and Repertoire 3
Study of musical theatre literature and repertoire. Students apply their understanding of the genre by making song assignments for undergraduate musical theatre students and rehearsing/staging the selected material.
THR 609 Theatre for the Very Young 3
Theatre for the Very Young (TVY) explores the global history of TVY and the evolution of the field in the United States focusing on youth ages 0-5.
THR 610 Applied Play Directing 3
Guided study and practice in developing directorial approaches and techniques through scene work and the production of a complete play.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 611 Advanced Play Directing 3
Problems of play directing emphasizing the use of modified proscenium, arena, thrust, and experimental forms of stages.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 612 Directing Period Plays 3
Theories of directing and their application in the direction of period plays.
Prerequisites: THR 610 or THR 611 and admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 613 Directing Seminar 3
Investigation in the art of directing. Topics vary each semester.
Prerequisites: THR 610 or THR 611 and admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
THR 614 Collaboration in Theatrical Production 3
An examination of the creative working relationship between theatre artists onstage and off. Students develop their abilities to articulate, experiment with, synthesize, and integrate best practices in theatrical collaboration.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre graduate degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 615 Advanced Drama in Education 3
Current trends in advanced philosophies in drama in education and aesthetic education. Practical experience arranged with classes in local schools.
Prerequisites: THR 515 and admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 617 Trends in Theatre for Young Audiences 3
Focus on analysis of nationally successful Theatre for Youth companies. Exploration of seasons, budgets, and outreach components of various companies.
THR 618 Graduate Seminar in Music Direction 2
Synthesis of a well-rounded music director for theatrical production. Lecture-based course that speaks to differing topics, challenges, and methods of Music Direction for the stage. First part of two-semester trajectory.
THR 619 Advanced Graduate Seminar in Music Direction 2
Synthesis of a well-rounded music director for theatrical production. Lab-based course that relies on practical application of topics from THR 618 with faculty oversight/guidance. Second part of two-semester trajectory.
Prerequisites: THR 618.
THR 620 Stage Dialects 3
Stage dialects most frequently used by the actor: Standard British, Cockney, Irish, Scots, French, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Brooklynese, American Southern.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 621 Advanced Dynamics: Movement 3
Movement laboratory for the advanced actor.
Prerequisites: Admission to the appropriate degree program (MFA in Drama, Acting Concentration).
Notes: May be repeated for a total of six credits.
THR 622 Advanced Dynamics: Voice 3
Voice and speech training to develop skills necessary for performance.
Prerequisites: Admission to MFA in Drama, Acting Concentration.
Notes: Three consecutive semesters to be repeated for a total of six credits.
THR 623 Advanced Physical Violence for the Stage 3
Advanced study and practice in the mechanics of stage violence. Designed for graduate actors, this course will focus on safe performance techniques for violence in period and contemporary texts.
Prerequisites: Admission to M.F.A. in Drama, Acting Concentration.
THR 624 Black and Indigenous People of Color Plays in Theatre for Youth 3
Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) Plays in Theatre for Youth explores literature in Theatre for Youth written by people of color. Includes scripts, playwrights, and productions.
Prerequisites: MFA Drama.
THR 631 Studies in Acting 3
Special studies and practices in acting techniques. Emphasis on contemporary drama.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 632 Contemporary Acting II 3
Contemporary ensemble acting techniques and their application to ensemble style and playing.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 633 Period Acting II 3
Study and practice of acting styles from the periods of Classical Greek, Roman, Medieval, Restoration/Georgian, Victorian/Edwardian drama.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 634 Acting for the Camera 3
An introductory examination and exploration of the technique of acting for the camera. Students will refine and adjust the way they work, but the core technique remains the same.
Prerequisites: M.F.A. Actors or permission of the instructor.
THR 636 Advanced Acting for the Camera Studio 3
An advanced study of performance for the camera. Camera scene study will continue with added emphasis on clarity of intention and accuracy of repetition.
Prerequisites: THR 332 or THR 534, M.F.A. Actors only.
THR 640 Graduate Design Foundations 3
An introduction to scholarship and research methodologies in the School of Theatre as well as resources available through the Graduate School and the University. Students will explore topics related to theatrical design, creative problem solving, academic writing, narrative based art, scholarly research, and health and well-being in the entertainment industry.
Prerequisites: Admission to M.F.A. in Drama, Design Concentration or permission of instructor.
THR 644 Developing and Managing Educational Programs for Arts Organizations 3
Using a case study approach, students will learn about how education departments at arts organizations operate in the 21st century from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
THR 645 Advanced Theatre Graphics 3
Theatre graphics for performance design, drafting, perspective, figure drawing, and rendering.
THR 648 Portfolio Preparation for the Theatre and Academia 3
This course guides students in developing the materials and skills necessary to present their education and experience to employers in the most effective manner, including resumes, cover letters and portfolios.
THR 651 Scene Design Seminar 3
Topics in scene design. Topics may include conceptual development, drawing and rendering techniques, model building, and generation of computer graphics.
Prerequisites: Admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration.
Notes: This course may be repeated once for 3 credits when topic varies.
THR 655 Scene Design Styles 3
Topics in Scene Design Applications. Topics may include study of theatrical genres and variations in physical space and relationship to audiences.
Prerequisites: Admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration.
THR 656 Scene Design Application 3
Topics in Scene Design Applications. Topics may include design conceptualization and development, professional standards for drafting and elevations, rendering and models.
Prerequisites: THR 655 and admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration.
THR 660 Costume Design Seminar 3
Topics in costume design. Topics may include conceptual development, drawing and rendering techniques, and generation of computer graphics.
Prerequisites: Admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration.
Notes: This course may be repeated once for 3 credits when topic varies.
THR 665 Costume Design Styles 3
Topics in Costume Design Styles. Topics may include varying dramatic genres, studies of costume style presentation appropriate for performance trends.
Prerequisites: Admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration.
THR 666 Costume Design Application 3
Topics in Costume Design Applications. Topics may include design conceptualization and development, as well as professional standards for illustrating action figures, specific fabrics, and developing costume production charts.
Prerequisites: THR 665 and admission to the MFA in Drama, Design Concentration.
THR 671 Lighting Design Seminar 3
Topics in lighting design. Topics may include technology of moving fixtures, techniques of image and effect projection, and techniques of lighting for film.
Prerequisites: Admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration or permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated once when topic varies for a total of 6 credit hours.
THR 675 Lighting Design Styles 3
Advanced problems of lighting design for theatrical productions in performance. Studies can include studio design exploration in the different genres of plays, musicals, and opera.
Prerequisites: Admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration or permission of instructor.
THR 676 Lighting Design Application 3
Creative topics in lighting design emphasizing collaborative approaches to produced work for public performance.
Prerequisites: THR 675 and admission to MFA in Drama, Design Concentration or permission of instructor.
THR 680 The Art and Craft of Playwriting 3
Theory and practice of writing plays for stage production.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
Notes: May be repeated once for credit.
THR 685 Seminar in Scenography 3
Scenographic theory and practice for performance design.
THR 690 Graduate Practicum in Theatre 2
Guided practice under rigorous artistic standards in carrying out major responsibilities in UNCG Theatre or Theatre for Youth major productions.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program and permission of instructor.
THR 691 Graduate Practicum in Costume Design 2
Guided practice under rigorous artistic standards in carrying out major costume design responsibilities in the School of Theatre's production season or other faculty approved venues.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program.
THR 692 Graduate Practicum in Lighting Design 2
Guided practice under rigorous artistic standards in carrying out major lighting design responsibilities in the School of Theatre's production season or other faculty approved venues.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program.
THR 693 Graduate Practicum in Scene Design 2
Guided practice under rigorous artistic standards in carrying out major scene design responsibilities in the School of Theatre's production season or other faculty approved venues.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program.
THR 695 Independent Study 1-3
Prerequisite: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor, major advisor and School Director.
THR 696 Advanced Experimentation 3
Preparation for the evaluation of experiences in the creative processes of theatre, broadcasting, or film. Analysis, documentation, and critical evaluation of the specific experience.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.
THR 697 Design Colloquium 3
Explore the theatrical design process through realized designs, culminating in fully produced work in the School of Theatre or in collaboration with university and/or community partners. Features group discussions, lectures, and mentoring related to practical applications of theatrical design, reasonable industry practices, and physical and mental well being.
THR 698 Graduate Internship 3
Field experience in local production companies, post-production houses, television stations or professional theatre companies. Academic supervision provided by faculty and directed activity in the field provided by site supervisor.
Prerequisites: Second or third year standing in the graduate program.
THR 699 Master Production in Theatre 3
Research, development, and execution in acting, directing, or design of a major theatrical production.
Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate School of Theatre degree program or permission of instructor.