Marketing (MKT)

MKT 309 Business Communication & Innovation 3

Business and professional communication: teamwork, communication technology, verbal and non-verbal strategies in a problem-solving, innovation context. Emphasizes effective persuasive, interpersonal, intercultural, and organizational strategies through business styles, formats, and presentations.

Prerequisites: ISM 110, ECO 201, CST 105, and one of the following: ENG 101, ENG 102, FMS 115 or RCO 101. Another prerequisite is Junior standing. Enrollment is restricted to students who are Pre admitted to or admitted to majors in the Business School (PACC, ACCT, PBAD, BADM, CARS, ECON, PECO, ECOS, PENT, ENTR, PFIN, FINC, PHTM, HTMT, PINT, INTB, PISC, ISSC, PMKT, or MKTG).

MKT 320 Principles of Marketing 3

Introduction to marketing with an emphasis on the marketing mix, market segmentation, targeting, and positioning for consumer and business markets in domestic and international economies.

Prerequisites: ACC 201 (or ACC 218), CST 105, ECO 201, ISM 110, and any one of the following: MAT 115, MAT 118, MAT 120, MAT 150, MAT 151, MAT 183, MAT 184, MAT 190, MAT 191, MAT 196, MAT 292, MAT 293, MAT 296. and restricted to students who are Pre admitted to or admitted to majors in the Business School (PACC, ACCT, PBAD, BADM, CARS, ECON, PECO, ECOS, PENT, ENTR, PFIN, FINC, PHTM, HTMT, PINT, INTB, PISC, ISSC, PMKT, or MKTG).

MKT 324 Professional Selling 3

Professional selling provides students with the knowledge and skill sets needed to give them the ability to make effective sales presentations to businesses or consumers, including direct selling.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 324 may not take MKT 324 for credit.

MKT 326 Introduction to Retailing 3

Introductory course in the fundamentals of store organization, management, and merchandising.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MKT 320. junior standing; major in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC, or MKTG.

MKT 328 Sales Leadership 3

Study and practice of selling and sales management techniques from a strategic marketing perspective. Emphasis on the firm profit-maximizing allocation of resources. Through case studies of best practices, students learn strategies to lead and motivate sales teams to achieve exceptional results.

Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 328 may not take MKT 328 for credit.

MKT 330 Social Media Marketing 3

Students explore how stakeholders define, measure, and assign value to corporate social media efforts. Skills are developed in managing change, innovation, and stakeholder partnerships related to social media.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MKT 320.

MKT 403 Entrepreneurial Marketing 3

Focuses on marketing strategy, planning, and tactics for entrepreneurial firms. Addresses general marketing and selling issues -- including direct selling -- and specific "real world" marketing problems. Student teams will work with on a specific start-up case and develop a marketing plan for that firm.

Prerequisites: None.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 403 may not take MKT 403 for credit.

MKT 407 Sports Marketing 3

Sports marketing applies marketing, promotion, and sales tools and techniques to the specific domain of sporting events, sporting activities, and sports related products.

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MKT 421 Promotion Management in Esports 3

Comprehensive focus on promotion processes and criteria for making promotion and advertising campaign decisions. Emphasis on behavioral and communicative aspects of advertising, personal sales, branding in the context of Esports and other promotional tools from a management decision-making viewpoint.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MKT 320. major in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ECON, ECOS, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC, or MKTG.

MKT 422 Fundamentals of Marketing Research 3

Conceptual foundation of qualitative and quantitative marketing research, sampling theory, experimental design, and psychological scaling techniques, along with analytic skills using user-friendly data analysis software. Case analysis as well. Student develops application abilities through assignments and a course project.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MKT 320. major in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ECON, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC or MKTG;

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 422 may not take MKT 422 for credit.

MKT 424 Consumer Behavior 3

Psychological and socioeconomic factors affecting consumer motivation, behavior, and buying decisions. Emphasis on current research on, and theory about, behavior of consumers as individuals and as members of socioeconomic groups.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MKT 320. junior standing; major in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC, or MKTG.

MKT 426 International Marketing 3

Issues in international marketing are addressed from both theoretical and experiential learning perspectives. A comprehensive team-based project involves the intensive use of the Internet in accessing electronic databases.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MKT 320. major in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC, or MKTG.

MKT 427 Personal Selling Internship 3

Minimum of 100 hours planned work experience in an organization with a personal sales force. Instructor will provide placement or must approve placement in advance.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 427 may not take MKT 427 for credit. Grade: Pass/Not Pass (P/NP).

MKT 429 Advanced Marketing Management 3

Advanced analysis and decision-making techniques in marketing. Emphasis on strategic view. Major group project involves working with organizations to develop and present an actual marketing plan.

Prerequisites: MKT 422 or MKT 440. major in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC, or MKTG.

MKT 430 Researching Opportunities in Entrepreneurship and Economic Development 3

Students will learn how to conduct research necessary to make informed decisions for an entrepreneurial venture and measure and assess economic development opportunities. No business research experience necessary.

Prerequisites: Junior, senior, or graduate standing.

Notes: Same as ENT 430, GES 430, LIS 430.

MKT 440 Digital Marketing Analytics 3

Students are introduced to the marketing analytics process with emphasis on analyzing digital marketing data. Students learn common performance metrics of digital marketing data and the tools to analyze digital data.

Prerequisites: MKT 320 and MKT 330.

MKT 444 Effective Selling 3

Designed to enhance the student's ability to present a product/service in a sales setting and negotiate the sale through an effective and efficient process.

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

MKT 450 Marketing Internship 3

Planned work experience in a marketing firm or the marketing department of a business/organization. Instructor must approve internship in advance.

Prerequisites: MKT 320 and MKT 422. 2.75 or higher GPA; permission of instructor;

Notes: Grade: Pass/Not Pass (P/NP).

MKT 493 Honors Work 3-6

Honors Work.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. 3.30 GPA in the major, 12 s.h. in the major;

Notes: May be repeated for credit if the topic of study changes.

MKT 499 Independent Study in Marketing 3

Guided readings, research, and individual project work in marketing under direction of the faculty.

Prerequisites: MKTG major and department approval.