Finance (FIN)

FIN 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance 3

Introduction to problems and methods in business finance within the context of entrepreneurial ventures. Topics include business formation, sources of financing, financial statements, business valuation, budgeting, and measuring financial performance.

Prerequisites: Entrepreneurship minor for non-business students.

Notes: Students may not receive credit for FIN 200 and FIN 315. Students who have prior credit for ENT 200 may not take FIN 200 for credit.

FIN 300 The Management of Personal Finance 3

Personal budgeting and accounting; borrowing money; buying on credit; personal income tax returns; saving and wise investment of savings; insurance; home ownership.

FIN 315 Business Finance I 3

Recognition and analysis of financial problems. Integrated approach to financial management emphasizing basic concepts of valuation, investment, and financial structure.

Prerequisites: ACC 201, ECO 201, ECO 202. ECO 250 or STA 108; pre-major or major in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ECOS, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC, or MKTG.

FIN 330 Financial Institutions and Markets 3

Principal institutions and markets comprising the financial system; their roles in short-term, long-term and equity financing, interest rate determination and capital formation. Interrelationships between domestic and international and financial markets. Government policy objectives and regulations as influences on the financial system.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in FIN 315.

FIN 335 Entrepreneurial Finance 3

This course focuses on financial analysis, financial forecasting, financing, capital costs, and working capital management of start-up businesses and existing businesses in the early stages of development.

Prerequisites: FIN 315.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 335 may not take FIN 335 for credit.

FIN 345 Data Technologies for Finance 3

This course introduces students to current data technologies in the field of finance. Using popular data software, students learn to gather, process, analyze, and visualize data, and apply these skills to financial models.

Prerequisites: ECO 250, a Grade of C or better in FIN 315, and a Finance major.

FIN 349 Financial Statement Analysis and Company Valuation 3

The objective of the course is to enhance a student’s understanding of the tools and techniques investors and creditors use to analyze financial statements. In addition, students will learn about the basic approaches to company valuation.

Prerequisites: C or better in FIN 315.

FIN 360 Internship in Finance 3

Provides students with an opportunity to apply finance knowledge in a business environment and to gain a better understanding of the finance profession.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in FIN 315. Finance major; permission of internship coordinator.

FIN 410 Business Finance II 3

Theory and practical application of capital budgeting, cost of capital and capital structure analysis, working capital management, and financial analysis and planning.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ACC 201 or ACC 218. ECO 250; and a grade of C or better in FIN 315.

FIN 442 Investments 3

This course introduces theory and practices related to the optimal allocation of funds among assets, popular asset pricing models, technical and fundamental analysis for return prediction, and valuation of stocks.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in FIN 315.

FIN 449 Contemporary Topics in Finance 3

Independent study, research, and class discussion covering a topic or group of related topics of current interest in financial theory, policy, or practice. Topics may vary each semester.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in FIN 315.

FIN 450 Fundamentals of Futures, Options and Behavioral Finance 3

This course is an introduction to the trading and application of options and futures related to commodity, stock and fixed income products in the financial market. It also introduces the bias and psychology patterns investors demonstrate in their trading.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in FIN 315.

FIN 493 Honors Work 3-6

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; 3.30 GPA in the major, 12 s.h. in the major;

Notes: May be repeated for credit if the topic of study changes.

FIN 499 Problems in Finance 3

Independent study, research, and class discussion covering a topic or group of related topics of current interest in theory or policy of finance. Topics may vary from semester to semester.

Prerequisites: Senior majors. permission of Department Head; grade of C or better in FIN 315;

Notes: May be repeated for credit with approval of Department Head.