Counseling and Educational Development (CED)

CED 101 Mental Health Literacy and Wellbeing 3

This course addresses mental health literacy, wellness, and related concepts, including identifying factors that contribute to mental health through a developmental, holistic, and wellness-informed lens. Students will learn how to critically evaluate publicly available information and develop help-seeking efficacy in themselves and others through increased knowledge, resources, self-awareness, and skills.

MAC: MAC Health and Wellness

CED 210 Career and/or Life Planning 3

Introduction to career/life planning; knowledge of career development theories and decision-making theories; emphasis on collecting information related to the world of work and relating this information to the individual.

CED 274 Stress Management 3

This course addresses stress and related concepts, including how stress impacts human functioning and relevant coping skills to respond to stress and meet one's goals. Conceptualizations of the stress response, from biopsychosocial and cultural models, are explored.

MAC: MAC Health and Wellness

CED 310 Helping Skills 3

Skills useful for facilitating helping relationships. Practical model for counseling and learning about helping by practicing the helping skills.

Prerequisites: Advanced undergraduates in appropriate major.

CED 392 Love, Sex, and Relationships: Skills for Building Satisfying, Healthy Relationships 3

This course promotes students' knowledge and skills that foster satisfying and healthy personal relationships. Students will learn strategies to strengthen all relationships, with a primary focus upon intimate partnerships.

CED 474 Contemporary Topics in Counseling 3

Designed to study issues, problems, and new approaches in helping relationships. Emphasis placed on current topic(s) of interest.

Notes: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

CED 474C Contemporary Topics in Counseling: Stress Management 3

Contemporary Topics in Counseling.

CED 516 Entrepreneurship in Clinical Settings 3

Designed to teach students how to effectively build and implement a successful business model for the design and delivery of clinical practices, or related services.

Notes: Students with prior credit for ENT 516 may not take CED 516 for credit.

CED 521 Legal, Ethical, and Professional Considerations in Addiction Treatment 3

Covers the legal, ethical, and professional standards that addiction professionals must adhere to from client screening through recovery. Ethical decision-making models and professional licensing and credentialing will be discussed. Also covers provider wellness and self-care.

CED 522 Addiction Treatment 3

Covers the different models of addiction and drug classifications. Teaches the neurobiology of addiction and the importance of the helping relationship when working with members of the addiction population. Covers screening and assessment of people thought to have addiction or being considered for treatment.

CED 523 Treatment Planning and Evidence-Based Practice in Addiction Treatment 3

Provides an in-depth overview of treatment planning and systems collaboration when working with members of the addiction population. Also covers evidence-based practices, such as: motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Covers group interventions and provides an overview of mutual support groups.

Prerequisites: Must be enrolled in the P.B.C. in Addiction Treatment and have completed CED 521 and CED 522 or must have a mental health related bachelor's degree.

CED 524 Multicultural Foundations of Addiction Treatment 3

Introduces students to multicultural aspects of addiction. Multiculturalism is an important concept to examine in relation to addiction treatment as our clients’ social and cultural identities can impact the course of addiction or treatment. Students will examine sociocultural influences as they converge with addiction concerns.

CED 525 Special Issues in Addiction Treatment 3

Covers special topics related to addiction such as, nicotine use, the relationship between addiction and the criminal justice system, the impact of intimate partner violence, and trauma related to the addiction population. Also covers how addiction impacts family relationships and the role of family in recovery.

CED 574 Contemporary Topics in Counseling 3

Designed to study issues, problems, and new approaches in helping relationships. Emphasis placed on current topic(s) of interest.

Notes: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

CED 574C Contemporary Topics in Counseling: Stress Managemnt 3

Topics in Counseling.

CED 602 Student Development in Higher Education 3

Study of development services. Areas such as admissions, orientation, career counseling, academic advising, student activities, housing, and financial aid are reviewed.

Prerequisites: CED 610 or permission of instructor.

Corequisites: CED 675.

Notes: Students who took this course as CED 579 are not eligible to take CED 602 and receive credit.

CED 603 Contemporary College Students 3

Developmental tasks and processes, including cognitive, moral, emotional, career, and identity, as applied to traditional and nontraditional students and diverse populations.

Prerequisites: CED 602 or permission of instructor.

CED 605 Counseling Diverse Populations 3

Examination of substantive and theoretical issues concerning counseling diverse populations. Includes study of counseling issues relevant to race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other diversity topics.

Prerequisites: CED 610 and counseling major.

Corequisites: CED 653.

Notes: Students who took this course as CED 505 are not eligible to take CED 605 and receive credit.

CED 610 Helping Relationships 3

Fundamental principles of providing a helping relationship through counseling and interviewing are integrated in a conceptual framework for subsequent professional studies in counseling. Personal and professional development through skills training in techniques.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 611 The Counselor as Scientist-Practitioner 3

Ways in which counselors can demonstrate accountability in a broad range of settings and from a variety of theoretical perspectives.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

CED 612 Developmental Counseling 3

Developmental theories and processes of diverse individuals, families, and groups form the basis for understanding and applying techniques of developmental assessment and intervention. Cognitive-developmental approaches are emphasized.

Prerequisites: CED 610 and CED 620, counseling major, human development/developmental psychology or equivalent or permission of instructor.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 613 Helping Relationships for Non-Majors 3

Fundamental principles of creating a helping relationship are integrated in a conceptual framework for application in a range of applied fields (e.g., nutrition, applied sport psychology). Personal and professional development through skills training in techniques.

CED 616 Entrepreneurship in Clinical Settings 2

Designed to teach students how to effectively build and implement a successful business model (e.g. private practice) for the design and delivery of clinical practices, or related services.

Prerequisites: None.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 616 may not take CED 616 for credit.

CED 620 Counseling Theories and Practice 3

Examine various counseling theories, their philosophical underpinnings, techniques, cultural implications, and the relationship between theory and practice. Apply theories through case conceptualization, observations, and supervised practice.

Prerequisites: CED 610 and counseling major.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 642 Substance Abuse Counseling 3

Counseling intervention strategies related to prevention, substance use, abuse and dependency will be emphasized. Etiology, assessment, and professional counseling concerns discussed.

Prerequisites: CED 610 or permission of instructor.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 644 Foundations of Mental Health Counseling 3

Theoretical and applied information for counselors working in clinical mental health counseling settings. Explores delivery systems, procedures, and techniques related to counseling individuals, groups, couples, and families in these settings.

Prerequisites: CED 610, counseling major.

CED 645 Mental Health Issues for Genetic Counselors 3

Overview of mental health-related theories and constructs relevant to genetic counseling. Development of interviewing skills and strategies. Focus on professional self-awareness, with emphasis on demands of professional practice.

Prerequisites: Matriculation to fourth semester of the MS in genetic counseling.

CED 648 Foundations of School Counseling 3

The role and functions of school counselors, including their work with students, teachers, administrators, and parents, as well as their complimentary relationships with other student services personnel.

Prerequisites: CED 610 and counseling major.

Corequisites: CED 653.

Notes: Must be completed successfully before post-master's certificate student can enroll in internship.

CED 650 Group Counseling Theory and Practice 3

Develop understanding and skills in the theory and practice of group work, the relationship of group activities to counseling, and fundamental group counseling techniques.

Prerequisites: CED 610, CED 620, and counseling major.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 651 Master's Research Experience 1-3

Hands-on experience working with CED faculty member(s) and/or research team (e.g. data collection, data coding, critiquing relevant literature, writing for publication).

Prerequisites: Admission to the M.S. in Counseling in any concentration.

CED 653 Practicum in Counseling 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance. Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653A Practicum in Counseling: Theories 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653B Practicum in Counseling: Assessment 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653D Practicum in Counseling: Group 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653F Practicum in Counseling: Lifespan 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653G Practicum in Counseling: Couples 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653M Practicum in Counseling: Group Applications 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance. Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653P Practicum in Counseling: Family Counseling 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling, assessment and consultation through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: Liability insurance. Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 653Q Practicum in Counseling: Mid And Later Life 1

Skill development and application of theory to practice in counseling.

CED 664 Advanced Contemporary Topics in School Counseling 3

Current topics affecting school counselors: the impact of leadership and advocacy, the ASCA National Model, and ethics and legal issues.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Post-Master's Certificate Program in Advanced School Counseling.

CED 668 Counseling Children and Adolescents 3

Aims to increase student knowledge and practical skill when providing counseling to children and adolescents in a variety of settings. Primary points of emphasis are on influencing emotional and behavioral change through developmentally appropriate interventions (e.g., play therapy, family therapy, behavioral interventions).

Prerequisites: CED 610, 620, and permission of instructor.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 669 Career Development and Career Counseling 3

Traditional and contemporary career development theories. Career counseling processes, techniques, and information resources. Career development influences and needs of diverse populations.

Prerequisites: CED 610, CED 620, and counseling major.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 675 Counseling Field Practicum 3

Introduction to staff, structures, functions, programs, and policies of a counseling site through a minimum of 45 hours of field-based experiences and weekly supervision session on campus.

Corequisites: CED 605, CED 610, CED 620 and CED 678, CED 602 or CED 644, any CED 653 corequisite experiences for these courses. Must have liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 677 School Certification 3

Introduction to staff, structures, functions, programs and policies of a school counseling program through a minimum of 45 hours of field-based experiences and weekly supervision sessions on campus.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 678 Professional Orientation 3

Goals and objectives of professional organizations, codes of ethics, legal considerations, standards of preparation, certification, licensing, and role identity of counselor and other personnel services specialists.

CED 679 Advanced Counseling Practicum 3

Application of counseling skills, theories and multicultural competencies through a minimum of 40 direct service hours with clients in Departmental Clinic, under intense/close supervision.

Prerequisites: Counseling major, CED 605, CED 610, CED 620, CED 678, and CED 602/CED 644/CED 648 and related CED 653 corequisites. Must have liability insurance.

CED 680A Counseling Internship 6

On-the-job experience for counselors totaling a minimum of 600 hours over a one-year period.

Prerequisites: Advanced standing and recommendation by the major professor.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 680B Counseling Internship 6

On-the-job experience for counselors totaling a minimum of 600 hours over a one-year period.

Prerequisites: Advanced standing and recommendation by the major professor.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 680C Counseling Internship 6

On-the-job experience for counselors totaling a minimum of 600 hours over a one-year period.

Prerequisites: Advanced standing and recommendation by the major professor.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 680D Counseling Internship 6

On-the-job experience for counselors totaling a minimum of 600 hours over a one-year period.

Prerequisites: Advanced standing and recommendation by the major professor.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 682 Application of Measurement and Clinical Appraisal Techniques 3

Selecting, administering, and interpreting a variety of standardized and nonstandardized instruments, assessments, and appraisal techniques in various settings with diverse populations. Relevant psychometric principles and ethical/legal issues.

Prerequisites: Counseling major.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 687 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counseling 3

Provides the skills needed to diagnose accurately and effectively and to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Emphasis on understanding and evaluating diagnosis with a diverse clientele.

Prerequisites: CED 610, CED 644 and counseling major.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 688 Contemporary Problems Seminar 1-3

Specific course title identified each semester by subscript, e.g., Contemporary Problems Seminar; Issues in Professional Counseling.

Prerequisites: Advanced master's or doctoral standing, or permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit when topic varies.

CED 688A Contemporary Problems Seminar: Pfr Sem Teaching 1-3

Contemporary Problems Seminar.

CED 690 Counselors Working with Families 3

Counseling families from family systems and multicultural theoretical perspectives. Clinical skills including assessment, treatment planning, and techniques.

Prerequisites: CED 610, CED 620.

Corequisites: CED 653.

Notes: Must be completed successfully before post-master's certificate student can enroll in internship.

CED 691 Advanced Clinical Topics in Couple and Family Counseling/Therapy 3

Advanced seminar in the scientific and cultural foundations for practice of couple and family counseling/therapy.

Prerequisites: CED 690 or permission of instructor.

Corequisites: CED 653.

Notes: May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Must be completed successfully before post-master's certificate student can enroll in internship.

CED 692 Independent Study 1-4

Guided readings, research, and individual project work under direction of a staff member.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

CED 693 Evidence-Based Practice in Counseling 3

Overview of specific evidence-based practice interventions, methods, and approaches in counseling. The focus will depend on the course topic, but will focus on topics such as trauma-informed counseling/TF-CBT, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Emotion-focused Therapy, etc.

Corequisites: CED 653.

CED 698 Implementing and Evaluating School Counseling Programs 3

Methods for designing, implementing, and evaluating comprehensive school counseling programs, in relation to the academic, career, and personal-social development of children and adolescents.

Prerequisites: CED 648.

Corequisites: CED 641, CED 671, and CED 680.

CED 720A Research Apprenticeship 3

Hands-on research experience working with CED faculty member(s) and/or research team (e.g. data collection, data coding, critiquing relevant literature, writing for publication) and focused reflection on the research process.

CED 720B Research Apprenticeship Internship 3

Hands-on research experience working with CED faculty member(s) and/or research team (e.g. data collection, data coding, critiquing relevant literature, writing for publication) and focused reflection on the research process.

Prerequisites: CED 720A.

CED 740 Research Practicum in Counseling 3

Individual data-based work on problems of special interest in counseling and development. Registration requires approval of dissertation committee chair.

Prerequisites: ERM 680, ERM 681 or equivalent courses.

CED 756A Advanced Counseling Theory and Research 3

Involves study of research about counseling theories, including discussion of common factor underlying counseling theories, strategies for evaluating theories, and critical analysis of research about theories.

Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral program or permission of instructor.

CED 756B Advanced Counseling Theory and Research 3

The second course of this two-course sequence focuses on exploring theories of change, particularly as they relate to research with contemporary career development, group counseling, and multicultural counseling theories.

Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral program or permission of instructor.

CED 757 Internship in University Teaching in Counseling 3

Supervised teaching in the area of counseling and development in a college or university setting.

CED 760A Consultation in Counseling and Counselor Education 3

Theory pertaining to the principles and practice of consultation in a variety of settings. Includes models, skills, issues, and ethical considerations in consultation.

Prerequisites: Doctoral standing or permission of instructor.

CED 760B Leadership, Advocacy, and Innovation in Counseling and Counselor Education 3

Theory pertaining to the principles and practice of leadership in a variety of settings. Includes models, skills, issues, and ethical considerations in leadership.

Prerequisites: Doctoral standing or permission of instructor.

CED 775 Directed Doctoral Research 3

Individual work on research problems consisting of collection, analysis, critical review, integration, and interpretation of research literature on a topic.

Prerequisites: Advanced doctoral standing or permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

CED 777A Seminar in Counseling 3

Research methods in counseling; clinical assessment tools and issues; contemporary issues and trends in counselor education, including professional and ethical issues and global perspectives.

Prerequisites: Advanced doctoral standing in counselor education and recommendation of doctoral adviser.

CED 777B Seminar in Counseling 3

Research methods in counseling; clinical assessment tools and issues; contemporary issues and trends in counselor education, including professional and ethical issues and global perspectives.

Prerequisites: Advanced doctoral standing in counselor education and recommendation of doctoral adviser.

CED 777C Seminar in Counseling 3

Research methods in counseling; clinical assessment tools and issues; contemporary issues and trends in counselor education, including professional and ethical issues and global perspectives.

Prerequisites: Admitted to the doctoral program in counselor education.

CED 777D Seminar in Counseling 3

Research methods in counseling; clinical assessment tools and issues; contemporary issues and trends in counselor education, including professional and ethical issues and global perspectives.

Prerequisites: Advanced doctoral standing in counselor education and recommendation of doctoral adviser.

CED 779 Advanced Counseling Practicum 3

Counseling skills, multicultural competencies and applied counseling theories for 40 direct hours with actual clients under faculty supervision.

Prerequisites: Full doctoral admission.

CED 780A Advanced Counseling Internship 6

In-depth supervised field experience for advanced doctoral students in counselor education. Concentrated practice in individual, group, family, and/or consultation modes of counseling with individual faculty supervision in selected clinical settings.

Prerequisites: CED 756 or CED 774.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

CED 780B Advanced Counseling Internship 6

In-depth supervised field experience for advanced doctoral students in counselor education. Concentrated practice in individual, group, family, and/or consultation modes of counseling with individual faculty supervision in selected clinical settings.

Prerequisites: CED 756 or CED 774.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 780C Advanced Counseling Internship 6

In-depth supervised field experience for advanced doctoral students in counselor education. Concentrated practice in individual, group, family, and/or consultation modes of counseling with individual faculty supervision in selected clinical settings.

Prerequisites: CED 756 or CED 774.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 780D Advanced Counseling Internship 6

In-depth supervised field experience for advanced doctoral students in counselor education. Concentrated practice in individual, group, family, and/or consultation modes of counseling with individual faculty supervision in selected clinical settings.

Prerequisites: CED 756 or CED 774.

Corequisites: Liability insurance.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CED 781A Clinical Supervision 3

Clinical supervision theories, models, research, interventions and skills, relationship and diversity issues; ethical and legal considerations. Didactic instruction followed by graduated supervised experiences.

Prerequisites: CED 780A, advanced doctoral standing.

Corequisites: Liability insurance, CED 653 for CED 781A.

CED 781B Clinical Supervision Internship 3

Clinical supervision theories, models, research, interventions and skills, relationship and diversity issues; ethical and legal considerations. Didactic instruction followed by graduated supervised experiences.

Prerequisites: CED 780A, advanced doctoral standing.

Corequisites: Liability insurance, CED 653 for CED 781A.

CED 781C Clinical Supervision Internship 3

Clinical supervision theories, models, research, interventions and skills, relationship and diversity issues; ethical and legal considerations. Didactic instruction followed by graduated supervised experiences.

Prerequisites: CED 780A, advanced doctoral standing.

Corequisites: Liability insurance, CED 653 for CED 781A.

CED 781D Clinical Supervision Internship 3

Clinical supervision theories, models, research, interventions and skills, relationship and diversity issues; ethical and legal considerations. Didactic instruction followed by graduated supervised experiences.

Prerequisites: CED 780A, advanced doctoral standing.

Corequisites: Liability insurance, CED 653 for CED 781A.

CED 781E Clinical Supervision Internship 3

Clinical supervision theories, models, research, interventions and skills, relationship and diversity issues; ethical and legal considerations. Didactic instruction followed by graduated supervised experiences.

Prerequisites: CED 780A, advanced doctoral standing.

Corequisites: Liability insurance, CED 653 for CED 781A.

CED 799 Dissertation 1-12

Individual direction in the development and execution of a doctoral dissertation.

CED 802 Dissertation Extension 1-3

Dissertation Extension.

CED 803 Research Extension 1-3

Research Extension.