Business Administration (BUS)

BUS 105 Blueprint for Professional Success 2

Establish business skills determined by employers as critical for success. Engage in professional development exercises. Explore academic opportunities to create student's personal and professional blueprint.

Prerequisites: Open to first and second semester freshmen who are Majors in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ECON, ENTR, FINC, INTB, ISSC, MKTG, or STHP.

BUS 115 Blueprint for Personal Development 1

The first step toward becoming a successful business professional is establishing a sense of self. Students engage in personal development to expand their self-awareness and identify opportunities for personal growth.

Prerequisites: Open to first and second semester freshmen who are PACC, PBAD, CARS, ECON, ECOS, PENT, PFIN, PHTM, PINT, PISC, or PMKT.

BUS 215 Blueprint for Professional Development 1

Students engage in personal development to expand their self-awareness and identify opportunities for personal growth, to begin building a professional portfolio, and develop employment related skills.

Prerequisites: BUS 115. Open to sophomores who are PACC, PBAD, CARS, ECON, ECOS, PENT, PFIN, PHTM, PINT, PISC, or PMKT.

BUS 216 Blueprint for Personal and Professional Development 2

Students will begin building a professional portfolio and engaging in topics designed to promote the development of skills determined by employers as critical for success.

Prerequisites: Restricted to sophomore, junior or senior students who are pre-admitted to or admitted to majors in the Business School (PACC, ACCT, PBAD, BADM, CARS, ECON, ECOS, PENT, ENTR, PFIN, FINC, PHTM, HTMT, PINT, INTB, PISC, ISSC, PMKT, or MKTG).

Notes: Students may not receive credit for both BUS 216 and either BUS 115 or BUS 215.

BUS 225 Introduction to Generative AI in Business 3

This course introduces students to Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models with a focus on practical applications for business. Students will learn the fundamentals and background of generative AI, possible applications, prompt engineering, and ethical considerations. They will also explore real-world applications in various business contexts.

Prerequisites: ISM 110.

BUS 315 Global and Cultural Development 1

This course facilitates team work, collaboration and cultural intelligence through a global team project. Students participate in activities to improve their professional skills and career readiness in a global environment.

Prerequisites: BUS 215 or BUS 216. concurrent enrollment in MGT 301 or previous credit for MGT 301; Junior standing; Students who are Majors in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ECOS, ENTR, FINC, INTB, ISSC, HTMT, or MKTG.

BUS 328 Organizational Leadership 3

The course examines the theories and models of leadership. Environmental pressures, organizational objectives, company culture, and individual ethical standards will be examined to incorporate the situational determinants of leadership effectiveness.

Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.

BUS 339 Entrepreneurial Leadership 3

Leadership theories, skills, and practices necessary for effectiveness in varied entrepreneurial settings, including private businesses, corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and social movements.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 339 may not take BUS 339 for credit.

BUS 415 Leadership Development 1

Students learn about the qualities of good leaders and demonstrate those qualities are exercised in a business environment with a specific focus on ethical and sustainable decision making.

Prerequisites: BUS 315. Open to Seniors who are Majors in ACCT, BADM, CARS, ECON, ECOS, ENTR, FINC, HTMT, INTB, ISSC, or MKTG.

BUS 450 Directed Business Practice 3

Planned work experience approved in advance by instructor. This is a web-based course that requires regularly scheduled work in an organization that sponsors your internship. In addition, the course requires reading, writing, and skill practice assignments.

Prerequisites: Junior standing and written permission of the instructor.

Notes: Open to all majors. Students who have prior credit for ENT 450 may not take BUS 450 for credit.

BUS 454 Coordination Work Based 3

BUS 493 Honors Work 3-6

Honors Work.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. 3.30 GPA in the major; 12 s.h. in the major;

Notes: May be repeated for credit if the topic of study changes.

BUS 494 Surv Bus/Mkt Education 3

BUS 495 Curr/Clsrm Org Bus/Mkt Prog 3

BUS 496 Sel Topics Bus/Mkt Educ 1-3

BUS 614 Leadership in the International Environment 3

Understanding and analyses of leadership and followership in an international context. Application of theoretical frameworks and provision of practical advice for leading across cultural boundaries and addressing international challenges.

BUS 615 Global Business 3

Principles, practices and processes of conducting businesses in the globalized environment.

BUS 616 International Business Negotiations 3

Provides theoretical principles and concepts that aid students in preparing for, performing in, and evaluating international business negotiations.

BUS 617 International Strategy 3

Examines key frameworks and theories in international strategy and their application to strategy practice and research.

Prerequisites: BUS 615 or permission of program director.

BUS 618 International Collaboration Project I 3

The course offers an opportunity to learn international collaboration through practice, an experiential exercise where the students complete an international business consulting project working in global virtual teams.

Prerequisites: BUS 622 or permission of program director.

BUS 619 International Collaboration Project II 3

Offers theoretical training and the opportunity to further develop international collaboration skills through practice by participating in an experiential learning exercise as a coach and manager of global virtual teams.

Prerequisites: BUS 618.

BUS 621 Research Methods 3

Familiarize students with inductive and deductive research in international business. Selecting a data gathering method, designing a survey/questionnaire, and sampling methods. Analyzing data and interpreting results to make international business decisions.

BUS 622 Cross-Cultural Management 3

Examines the effect of cultural differences on management in organizations. Provides students with an understanding of the challenges and opportunities in managing people from diverse cultural backgrounds at the workplace.

BUS 623 International Marketing 3

Issues in international marketing are addressed from both theoretical and experiential learning perspectives.

BUS 624 Global Workforce Performance Management 3

Examination of the broader areas of "Performance Management" in effective workforce management in the US and around the world.

BUS 625 Training and Development of Human Resources 3

Examines the role of training and development in business organizations. Explores training needs assessment techniques, determining training objectives, and choosing the appropriate training methods to successfully implement training programs that improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

BUS 626 Managing Employee and Organizational Development 3

Provides an overview of the roles of human resource managers as organizational effectiveness champions, employee champions, change agents, and internal consultants. Explores topics such as the importance of communication, leading change, employee engagement, managing teams, diversity and inclusion, corporate social responsibility, and improving organizational effectiveness.

BUS 627 Global Human Resource Management 3

Focuses on examining the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the increasing internationalization and multiculturalism of the workplace and the development of competences needed to effectively manage human resources in global cross-cultural contexts.

BUS 628 Global Sustainability Management 3

Provides an overview of concepts in sustainability management, sustainability strategies, stakeholder perspectives on sustainability management, and functional perspectives of sustainability management from a global perspective. Equips students with tools to implement sustainability management in a company and improve its sustainability performance.

BUS 640 Experiences in Sustainable Entrepreneurship 3

Interdisciplinary course in sustainable entrepreneurship. Exploration of models for designing and implementing entrepreneurial projects which respond to social, economic, environmental, and justice issues. Introduction to direct action and evaluation.

Notes: Same as ENT 640, WGS 640.

BUS 695 Special Topics in International Business 3

This course focuses on current trends and topics in international business.

BUS 701 Doctoral Research Methods I (Quantitative Research Methods) 3

Examines multivariate statistical techniques including exploratory factor analysis and principal components analysis, confirmatory factor analysis; moderation and mediation analysis; structural equation modeling and hierarchical linear modeling.

BUS 702 Doctoral Research Methods II (Qualitative Research Methods) 3

Discussion of the nature of qualitative research in organization studies. Discuss qualitative methodological approaches, and the design, implementation and publication of qualitative research.

BUS 703 Doctoral Research Methods III (Applied Research Methods in Business) 3

The application of quantitative and qualitative methods in conducting high quality research in business.

Prerequisites: BUS 701, BUS 702.

BUS 705 Seminar in Academic Writing and Publishing 3

Provides an in-depth review and understanding of academic and scholarly writing, explains the process of developing and publishing academic work, with the focus on publishing business research and scholarly work.

BUS 720 Seminar in Organization Theory 3

Examines the theory and research related to organizations, including theories that cross micro/macro boundaries and represent novel contributions from organizational perspectives; the history and development of research on organizations.

BUS 721 Seminar in Organizational Behavior 3

Classic and current theory in organizational behavior, including the role and effects of individual differences, perception, job design, groups, motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and other aspect of organizational design.

BUS 722 Seminar in Organizational Leadership 3

Provides an in-depth review of classic and modern theories and application of leadership and followership models in organizations, including critical examination of leadership in cross-cultural settings.

Prerequisites: BUS 721 or permission of the instructor.

BUS 730 Seminar in International Business Theory 3

Comprehensive overview of international business field, including theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of cross-border business, evolution of thought in international business, theory of the MNC, and contemporary perspectives.

BUS 731 Seminar in Cross-Cultural Management 3

An in-depth review of the theories, concepts, and practices of management across and in different cultures and investigates the impact of national cultures on management practice.

BUS 740 Seminar in Strategic Management I 3

Theories and concepts in strategic management including the examination of behavioral and economic approaches to strategy research and the relationship of other areas of research to strategy formulation and implementation.

Prerequisites: BUS 720.

BUS 741 Seminar in Strategic Management II 3

Examines theory and research on corporate level strategies and corporate governance.

Prerequisites: BUS 740 or permission of the instructor.

BUS 750 Doctoral Research Methods IV (Regression Models) 3

Techniques of estimating multivariate relationships. Discusses multiple regression and problems associated with single equation modeling, moderation and mediation analysis, structural equation modeling, and hierarchical linear modeling.

BUS 789 Advanced Topics in Management 3-9

This course focuses on current research topics such as corporate social responsibility, human resources management, international business, organizational behavior, strategic management, and sustainability.

BUS 790 Doctoral Research Independent Study 1-3

Individual work on research topics that are related to student's primary area(s) of specialization and research interest. Research conducted with faculty guidance and direction.

BUS 799 Dissertation 1-18

Students will finish a quality dissertation under the instruction of an instructor. The topic will fall within the field of general management. The instructor will determine the pedagogy.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

BUS 802 Dissertation Extension 1-3

Dissertation extension.