Music Education, B.M.

Overall Requirements

  • 120 credit hours, to include at least 36 credits at or above the 300 course level
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0

Degree Program Requirements

University Requirements
General Education Requirements - Minerva's Academic Curriculum (MAC)

Major Requirements

Theory and Aural Skills8
Introduction to Music Theory
Analysis of Western European Music and Related Traditions II
Aural Skills I
Aural Skills II
Writing Through Music
Performance Studies *12
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Performance Studies

12 credits of Performance Studies, or equivalent, culminating in a half recital or equivalent public demonstration of musicianship, after consultation and approval by advisor, Performance Studies faculty, and/or the Director of the school of Music.  Keyboard students may fulfill the recital requirements by accompanying a full recital or chamber recital. 

Teacher Licensure Requirements

Contact School of Education Office of Student Services at 336-334-3410

Personal Health
Child and Adolescent Development and Learning
Teaching Multilingual Learners with Diverse Abilities
Student Teaching in Music
Student Teaching Seminar


Select one of the concentrations as detailed following the major requirements.

  • Choral/General Music Education
  • Instrumental/General Music Education
  • Instrumental/General Jazz Music Education


Electives sufficient to complete the 120 credit hours required for the degree.

Choral/General Music Education Concentration Requirements

Theory and Aural Skills8
Analysis of Western European Music and Related Traditions III
Analysis of Western European Music and Related Traditions IV
Aural Skills III
Aural Skills IV
Musicology and Ethnomusicology9
History of Western Music I
History of Western Music II
American Music
Performance Studies0
Repertoire Class *
Select 6 credits from the following:
Spartan Voices
University Chorale
Coro di Belle Voci
Chamber Singers
Select 1 course from the following:
Introduction to Contemporary Dance
Jazz Dance I
African Dance I
Steelpan Ensemble
Old Time Ensemble
Indian Music
Middle Eastern Ensemble
Beginning Guitar
Beginning Ukulele
Making Music with Computers
Free Improvisation
Beginning French I
Beginning German I
Additional Teacher Licensure1
Schooling in a Democratic Society
Music Education22
Choral Music Teaching Lab
Introduction to Teaching Techniques in Choral/General Music
Introduction to Teaching Instrumental Music
Foundations of Teaching for Musical Understanding
Foundations of Teaching Vocal Music
Choral Conducting II
General Music in Elementary Schools
Singing Voice in Classrooms and Ensembles
Choral Music in the Schools
Italian and Latin Diction for Singers
English and Spanish Diction for Singers
Choral Conducting I

(0 credit hours) 6 semesters taken as a corequisite to Performance Studies courses in the major. 

  • Keyboard Students

Class Voice2
Select 2 credits of Class Voice:
Class Voice
Secondary Voice3
Select 3 credits of Secondary Voice:
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
  • Voice Students

Class Piano2
Class Piano
Class Piano
Secondary Piano3
Select 3 credits of Secondary Piano:
Secondary Piano for Music Education
Secondary Piano for Music Education
Secondary Piano for Music Education

Instrumental/General Music Education Concentration Requirements 

Theory and Aural Skills4
Analysis of Western European Music and Related Traditions III
Aural Skills III
Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Jazz History6
Select one course from the following:
History of Western Music I
History of Western Music II
Select one course from the following:
American Music
Music Cultures of the World
Selected Topics in Ethnomusicology
History of Jazz
Music Education27
Orientation to College and the Music Major
Introduction to Teaching Choral Music
Foundations of Teaching for Musical Understanding
Marching Band Techniques
Advanced String Methods
Teaching Strings Laboratory
Teaching Brass Laboratory
Teaching Woodwinds Laboratory
Teaching Percussion Laboratory
Foundations of Teaching Instrumental Music
Instrument Repair
General Music in Elementary Schools
Instrumental Music in Schools
Instrumental Conducting I
Instrumental Conducting II
Secondary Instruments2
Non-Keyboard majors must choose at least 1 credit of Class Piano.
Keyboard majors select 2 credits of secondary study of wind, percussion, or bowed string instrument.
Choose at least one credit of the following for Non-Keyboard majors:
Class Piano
Class Piano
Class Piano
Choose one to two credits of the following:
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Select 6 credits of the following:
University Symphony Orchestra
Concert Band
Wind Ensemble
Symphonic Band
Jazz Ensemble I *
Jazz Ensemble II *
Select 3 credits of the following:
Steelpan Ensemble
Old Time Ensemble
Indian Music
Middle Eastern Ensemble
Spartan Voices
Beginning Guitar
Beginning Ukulele
Free Improvisation
Introduction to Contemporary Dance
Jazz Dance I
African Dance I

Up to 2 credits by audition.

Instrumental/General Jazz Music Education Concentration Requirements

Theory and Aural Skills3
Principles of Jazz Theory
Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Jazz History6
History of Jazz
Select one of the following:
History of Western Music II
American Music
Select three credits of the following:
University Symphony Orchestra
Concert Band
Wind Ensemble
Symphonic Band
Select three credits of the following:
Jazz Ensemble I
Jazz Ensemble II
Chamber Music
Select three credits of the following:
Steelpan Ensemble
Old Time Ensemble
Indian Music
Middle Eastern Ensemble
Spartan Voices
Beginning Guitar
Beginning Ukulele
Free Improvisation
Introduction to Contemporary Dance
Jazz Dance I
African Dance I
Secondary Instruments2
Non-Keyboard majors must choose at least 1 credit of piano.
Keyboard majors select 2 credits of secondary study of wind, percussion, or bowed string instrument.
Choose at least one credit of the following for Non-Keyboard majors:
Class Piano
Class Piano
Class Piano
Choose one to two credits of the following:
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Performance Studies
Music Education24
Introduction to Teaching Choral Music
Foundations of Teaching for Musical Understanding
Marching Band Techniques
Advanced String Methods
Teaching Strings Laboratory
Teaching Brass Laboratory
Teaching Woodwinds Laboratory
Teaching Percussion Laboratory
Foundations of Teaching Instrumental Music
Instrument Repair
Instrumental Music in Schools
General Music in Elementary Schools
Instrumental Conducting I
Instrumental Conducting II

Disciplinary Honors in Music Education 


  • A minimum of 12 credit hours as defined below.
  • A grade of A or B in all course work used to satisfy the Honors requirements in Music.
  • UNC Greensboro cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better or, for transfer students, cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better from all prior institutions. 
Senior Honors Project
6-9 credits of Honors course work in the major *6-9
0-3 credits of Honors course work outside of Music Education0-3

Must be at the 300-level or above (e.g., MUE 356, MUE 357, MUE 367, MUE 461, MUE 462, MUE 463, MUE 464, MUE 467)


Receive a Certificate of Disciplinary Honors in Music Education; have that accomplishment, along with the title of the Senior Honors Project, noted on the official transcript; and be recognized at a banquet held at the end of the spring semester.

Honors Advisor

See Alex Ezerman at for further information and guidance about Honors in Music Education. To apply: