

Janet J. BoseovskiG

Peter DelaneyG

Kari Merrill EddingtonG

Rosemery N. GrayG

Michael J. Kane, Professor and Nicholas A. Vacc and Nance N. Vacc Distinguished ProfessorG

Susan P. KeaneG

Stuart MarcovitchG

Paul Silvia, Professor/Lucy Spinks Keker Excellence ProfessorG

Julie M SmithG

Associate Professor

Levi R BakerG

Suzanne Vrshek-SchallhornG

Christopher N WahlheimG

Blair E WiscoG

Ethan ZellG

Assistant Professor

Brittany S CassidyG

Jasmine Marie DeJesusG

Margaret A. Fields-OlivieriG

Michaeline Rae JensenG

Robert W WileyG

Academic Professional Assistant Professor

Ilana S Berman


Graduate-level faculty

PSY 121 General Psychology 3

Survey of psychology. Includes psychology as science, nervous system, growth and development, sensory and perceptual processes, motivation, emotion, learning, social behavior, personality (normal and pathological), statistics, testing, intelligence, aptitudes, and achievement.

MAC: MAC CritThink Soc and BehavSci

PSY 122 Careers and College Success in Psychology 3

Provides a roadmap for how students can succeed in college courses and prepare for a career in psychology or allied disciplines with a bachelor's degree, including how to prepare for graduate education, if desired.

Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in PSY 121 or previous credit for PSY 121.

PSY 123 Early Research Careers in Psychology 1

This course is for students in the Early Scientist Program. It provides students with basic research skills and explores different approaches to the conduct of laboratory- and community-based psychological research.

Prerequisites: Grade of A- or better in PSY 121. Written permission required for enrollment in this course; see instructor or department for instructions;

Corequisites: PSY 122.

PSY 211 Statistics in Behavioral Science Research 3

Descriptive and inferential statistics, including estimating parameters and testing significance, as applied to psychological research. Taught at an introductory level. Requires knowledge of elementary algebra.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 121, and grade of at least C- in STA 108 or MAT 115 or MAT 118 or MAT 120 or MAT 190 or MAT 196 or MAT 183 or MAT 184 or RCO 114 or RCO 115.

Notes: Online course requires on campus exams, contact instructor. Students may not receive credit for more than one of the following: PSY 211 and also STA 271 (or STA 352 or ECO 250).

PSY 230 Biological Psychology 3

An introduction to the contributions of molecular, genetic, cellular, developmental, physiological, and evolutionary biology to the scientific understanding of psychological processes.

MAC: MAC CritThink Nat Sci

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121 or BIO 111 or BIO 105 .

PSY 240 Principles of Learning 3

Survey of scientific theories and research on learning and motivation according to classic theorists and contemporary behavioral psychologists. Topics include reinforcement, punishment, stimulus control, and examples from the real world.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 250 Developmental Psychology 3

Survey of scientific theories and research findings in human psychological development, including its biological, behavioral, cognitive, social, and emotional aspects.

MAC: MAC CritThink Soc and BehavSci

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

Notes: Students may not receive credit for both HDF 111 and PSY 250.

PSY 260 Psychological Perspectives on Social Psychology 3

Survey of scientific theories and research on the nature, causes, and consequences of individual behavior in social context. Topics include relationships, groups, attitudes, persuasion, aggression, altruism, and prejudice.

MAC: MAC CritThink Soc and BehavSci

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121 .

PSY 275 Introduction to Clinical Psychology 3

Survey of main issues within clinical psychology. Includes nature and ethics of profession, research methodologies, clinical assessment, models of therapy including empirically validated treatments, and systems of care principles.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 280 Cognitive Psychology 3

Survey of scientific theories and research in cognitive psychology. Topics include human learning, attention, memory, and problem solving.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 300X Experimental Course 1-6

This number reserved for experimental courses. Refer to the Course Schedule for current offerings.

PSY 311 Research Methods in Psychology 3

Introduction to the research methodologies of psychology and to analysis and interpretation of data. Experience with methods of data collection, basic statistical ways to display and analyze data, and writing reports.

Prerequisites: Grades of at least C- in PSY 211 or STA 271 or STA 352 or ECO 250.

Corequisites: PSY 122, waived for anyone who previously earned a P in PSY 122 (or its equivalent).

PSY 311L Research Methods in Psychology: Lab 1

Laboratory to complement PSY 311, including developing research proposals, scientific writing in APA style, and communicating research ideas.

CIC: CIC College Writing

Prerequisites: ENG 101 or ENG 102 or RCO 101 or completion of MAC written communication competency course.

Corequisites: PSY 311, waived for anyone who previously earned a C- or better in PSY 311 (or its equivalent).

PSY 314 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3

Introduction to industrial and organizational psychology with special emphasis on employee motivation, selection, training, and organizational determinants of employee behavior.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

Notes: Same as MGT 314.

PSY 318 Belief in "Weird" Things 3

Psychological research on belief in extraordinary, "weird" phenomena, including, but not limited to, the paranormal, superstition, divination, projective tests of personality, alternative healing practices, and unconscious mind control and repression.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 319 Integrative Topics in Psychology 3

Examination of theories, methods, and research in a specialized area of psychology or in integrative topics across two or more areas of psychology. Check with department for offerings.

Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in PSY 121.

Notes: May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.

PSY 341 Adult Psychopathology 3

A description of the various psychological disorders is presented along with the research methods used to study them. Each disorder is approached from a number of perspectives: biological, psychosocial (psychodynamic, interpersonal, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic) and sociocultural.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 346 The Psychology of Gender 3

Evaluation of effects of biological sex and gender role socialization on personality and behavior through examination of empirical research.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in PSY 121.

PSY 361 Theories of Personality 3

Major theories of personality including psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, cognitive, biological, and trait perspectives. Additional focus on methods of research and assessment that provide the theoretical foundation for studying individual differences.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 365 Psychology of Art, Creativity, and Genius 3

Scientific research on psychological aspects of art, the creative process, and the nature of genius and expertise, with examples from fine art, music, literature, architecture, and industrial design.

PSY 370 Ethnicity, Development, and Psychopathology 3

Survey of research exploring the interplay between ethnicity and child development, including the intersection of ethnicity with socioeconomic status, immigration, and mental health.

Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in PSY 121.

PSY 375 Psychology of Aging 3

Overview of psychological issues in aging. Students evaluate research findings in the psychology of aging and apply this knowledge to understanding personal development and the development of others.

Prerequisites: PSY 121 or permission of instructor.

PSY 380 Psychology and the Law 3

Psychological research on issues associated with legal proceedings, including but not limited to, jury selection and behavior, eyewitness memory and testimony, and standards of proof will be discussed.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121. freshmen must have permission of instructor.

PSY 385 IQ and Intelligence 3

Psychological research on intelligence and intelligence testing, addressing questions about single versus multiple intelligences, genetic versus environmental influences, sex and race biases, development and aging, social and emotional intelligence, and learning disabilities.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 390 Health Psychology and Culture 3

Focuses on understanding the relationship between health and illness by exploring biological, psychological, and social factors across select cultures.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least a C- in PSY 121.

PSY 401 Academic Writing in Psychology 3

Advanced training in academic writing in psychology and related fields, with an emphasis on the goals of scholarly writing, scientific usage and style, and strategies for composing and revising.

CIC: CIC College Writing

Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in PSY 311 or SSC 300.

PSY 410 Intermediate Psychological Statistics 3

Second course in psychological statistics recommended for students planning to attend graduate school. Includes basic probability, ANOVA, correlation and regression.

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of B- in PSY 211. PSYC major.

PSY 415 History and Systems of Psychology 3

Discussion of prescientific thinking on psychological problems, origin of systems of psychology, and ways systems are reflected in contemporary psychology.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311.

PSY 419 Special Topics in Psychology 3

Intensive examination of current theories and research in a specific area of biopsychology, learning, development, cognition, social psychology or clinical psychology. Check with department for offerings.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

PSY 433 Research Experience in Psychology 1-3

Opportunity for students to participate in various phases of research projects being conducted by faculty members in the Department of Psychology.

Prerequisites: Nine (9) s.h. in Psychology, and permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

PSY 435 Brain and Psychological Processes 3

Study of brain mechanisms for feeding, aggression, sexuality, cognition, consciousness, sleep, learning, memory, thinking, and communication. Examination of brain defects in abnormal behavior and responses to drugs and psychotherapy.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 230. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 435L.

PSY 438 Animal Behavior 3

Application of theory of evolution to the explanation of animal behavior. Surveys a variety of species, addressing several behavioral categories as well as issues in sociobiology and human evolution.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 230. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 438L or BIO 438 or BIO 439. Same as BIO 438.

PSY 444 Changing Behavior in Real World Settings 3

Principles and applications of behavior analysis in human service, educational, home, and medical settings. Recommended for psychology majors, and graduate and undergraduate students in related human service fields.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 240. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311.

PSY 455 Social and Personality Development 3

Examination of current theories and empirical research concerned with social, emotional, and personality development.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 250. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 455L.

PSY 456 Cognitive Development 3

Examination of current theories and empirical research concerned with perceptual and cognitive development.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 250. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 456L.

PSY 460 Interpersonal Behavior and Group Processes 3

In-depth analysis of interpersonal behavior and group processes. Topics include aggression, prosocial behavior, attraction, prejudice and discrimination, social comparison, close relationships, and groups.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 260. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 460L.

PSY 461 Attitudes and Social Influence 3

In-depth analysis of attitudes and social influence. Topics include attitude structure, formation and change, propaganda and persuasion; attitude-behavior consistency; conformity; compliance; and obedience.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 260. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 461L.

PSY 462 Social Cognition: Perceiving and Thinking in a Social Context 3

In-depth analysis of how we think about ourselves and others. Topics include impression formation, attribution, affect and cognition, social judgement, stereotyping and the self in social context.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 260. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 462L.

PSY 463 Psychological Perspectives on Personal Relationships 3

In-depth examination of current theories and empirical research focusing on psychological perspectives of personal relationships. Includes topics related to relationship forms and processes such as intimacy and power.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 260. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 463L.

PSY 470 Psychological Disorders of Children 3

Etiology, assessment, and treatment of various psychological disorders of children, e.g., conduct disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 275. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 470L.

PSY 472 Field Experience in Applied Settings 3

Community field experience designed to illustrate practical applications of psychological principles and research. Class meetings and written work required in addition to field placement.

Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in PSY 341 or PSY 470. junior standing; and permission of instructor;

Notes: Malpractice insurance fee required for certain placements. Be advised that internship sites will require a criminal background check and/or drug test, and reserve the right to reject applicants on the basis of the results.

PSY 481 Cognition and Consciousness 3

In-depth discussion of psychological processes of attention and memory and their relationship to consciousness. Analyses of theories, experimental techniques, and results.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 280. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 481L.

PSY 482 Human Memory 3

Memory is involved in many everyday activities and is essential for personal identity. This course is about theories and applications of research on human memory and learning.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 280. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311.

PSY 483 The Psychology of Thinking 3

Research and theory on human problem-solving and reasoning. Topics include classification, categorization, decision-making, rational thought, and a discussion of awareness in thinking.

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 280. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311;

Notes: Students cannot receive credit for both this course and PSY 483L.

PSY 484 Cognitive Neuroscience: Exploring the Living Brain 3

This course surveys key aspects of our current understanding of how the brain instantiates the human mind, allowing for thought and forming the basis of human behaviors. Topics include vision, language, memory, growth, developmental and acquired deficits, and cognitive neuroscience methods (fMRI, EEG, lesion studies, etc.).

Prerequisites: Grade of at least C- in PSY 280 OR in PSY 230. concurrent enrollment in PSY 311 OR previous credit for PSY 311.

PSY 490 Directed Readings in Psychology 1-3

Reading and library research on a specialized topic in the primary scientific literature in psychology under the supervision of a faculty member.

Prerequisites: 18 s.h. in psychology, and permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

PSY 492 Honors Thesis Development 3

This course is designed for Disciplinary Honors students in psychology. In this course, students will conduct preparatory work and build relevant skills for beginning the Honors Proposal and Thesis. Students will also develop relevant professional skills that apply to career goals both in and beyond academic settings.

Prerequisites: Acceptance and enrollment in the Disciplinary Honors Program via Lloyd International Honors College. successful completion of PSY 311 or enrollment in PSY 311 as a co-requisite; a faculty adviser for the thesis project; instructor permission.

PSY 493 Honors Independent Study 3

Opportunity for qualified students to complete directed study and/or research under faculty supervision. Work will lead to a written proposal for and enrollment in Senior Honors Project (see HSS 490).

PSY 495 Senior Honors Seminar 3

Provides students with advanced study and critical analysis of contemporary problems in psychology.

PSY 601 Graduate Problems in Psychology 1-3

Work individually or in small groups in psychological problems of special interest. Work may represent either a survey of a given field or an intensive investigation of a particular problem.

Notes: For students with a strong background in psychology. Students should consult instructor before registering. Grading method is Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

PSY 602 Seminar in Systematic Issues 3

Contemporary state of knowledge with regard to the logic and language of psychology.

PSY 605 First Year Research Practicum 3

First-year psychology graduate students design and formally propose a directed research project.

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

PSY 609 Statistical Methods in Psychology I 4

Summarizing and comparing distributions. Thorough review of statistical estimation and hypothesis testing for linear models, e.g., t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple comparisons.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 610 Statistical Methods in Psychology II 4

Statistical estimation and hypothesis testing for linear models, e.g., ANOVA for crossed, nested, incomplete, and repeated measures designs, ANCOVA; multiple regression and correlation; general linear model.

Prerequisites: PSY 609, graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 615 History and Systems of Psychology 1

Discussion of prescientific thinking on psychological problems, origin of systems of psychology, and ways systems are reflected in contemporary psychology.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG Psychology programs or permission of instructor.

PSY 619 Special Topics in Psychology 3

Intensive examination of current theories and research in a specific area of biopsychology, learning, development, cognition, social psychology or clinical psychology. Check with department for offerings.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG Psychology programs or permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

PSY 624 Research Methods in Psychology 3

Broad-based philosophical and methodological perspectives on conducting and interpreting psychological research; considers basic, applied, and translational research, laboratory- and field-based research, and experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, and longitudinal research designs.

Prerequisites: Pr. or Coreq.: PSY 609 and graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs or permission of instructor.

PSY 630 Proseminar in Experimental Psychology I 3

Introduction to theoretical concepts, research methodologies, and empirical findings in foundational areas of experimental psychology and cognitive, developmental, and social psychology.

PSY 631 Proseminar in Experimental Psychology II 3

Advanced theoretical concepts, research methodologies, and empirical findings in foundational areas of experimental psychology and cognitive, developmental, and social psychology.

Prerequisites: PSY 630.

PSY 698 Capstone Examination in Clinical Psychology 3

Independent study course requiring that students demonstrate competency in the knowledge and practice of clinical psychology. Acceptable capstone experience for students who have entered the M.A./Ph.D. program with a master’s degree from another university that included an approved research thesis.

PSY 699 Thesis 1-6

Individual guidance in the development of a specific research problem.

PSY 703 Developmental Psychology 3

Systematic survey of theories and content of developmental psychology. Developmental issues and research examined in areas including attention, memory, language, socialization, sex roles, and aggression.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 704 Advanced Social Psychology 3

Theoretical concepts, research methodologies, and empirical findings; aggression, attitude change, attribution, and exchange theory.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 705 Physiology of Sensory and Behavioral Processes 3

Neural substrates of motivation, emotion, sleep, motor acts and coordination, learning, language, complex processes, and psychopathology.

Prerequisites: Enrollment in or completion of PSY 705.

PSY 706 Cognitive Processes 3

Human intellectual functioning including pattern recognition, attention, memory, comprehension, reasoning, and problem solving.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 707 Psychological Disorders in Children 3

Empirical approach to etiology, assessment, and treatment of psychological problems of children, emphasis on development factors. Not intended for students without a strong background in abnormal psychology, child development, and developmental theory.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 708 Psychological Disorders in Adults 3

An empirical approach to the tiology, assessment, and treatment of psychological problems in adults.

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 718 Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics 1

Matrix manipulation and understanding the language of matrix algebra rather than formal mathematics.

Prerequisites: One basic graduate statistics course.

PSY 721 Teaching of Psychology 3

Introduction to pedagogical theories, research, styles, and strategies related to the college teaching of psychology. Considers the presentation of course material, learning assessment tools, test construction, and grading.

Prerequisites: Admission to the graduate program in psychology, or graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 723 Evidence-based Practice with Children and Adolescents 3

Psychotherapy concepts and research from interpersonal, behavioral, humanistic, and cognitive perspectives. Supervised introductory practicum experience in therapeutic methods.

Prerequisites: Pr. or Coreq.: PSY 707, PSY 708, and graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs. or permission of instructor.

PSY 724 Ethical Responsibilities of Clinical Psychologists 3

In-depth coverage of professional ethics as they pertain to the many different settings in which clinical psychologists often work, including clinical practice, research, teaching, consultation, and other professional activities.

Prerequisites: Admission to graduate program in clinical psychology, graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 725 Psychological Assessment in Adults 3

Construction, evaluation, and interpretation of objective and projective measures of personality as used with normal and clinical groups. Laboratory practice in personality assessment and in diagnosis.

Prerequisites: Pr. or Coreq.: PSY 724. malpractice insurance; and graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs; or permission of instructor.

PSY 727 Theory and Methods of Behavioral Assessment and Therapy 3

Evaluation of research and theory underlying behavioral assessment and behavior therapy. Supervised introductory experiences in the use of behavioral assessment and therapy techniques.

Prerequisites: PSY 724 and graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs or permission of instructor.

PSY 728 Theory and Methods of Intellectual Assessment 3

Research and theory underlying intellectual assessment. Supervised introductory experience in the use of standardized intelligence tests, including evaluation and communication of test results.

PSY 735C Contemporary Problems 3

PSY 735D Contemporary Problems 3

PSY 735I Contemporary Problems 3

PSY 735J Contemporary Problems 3

PSY 735S Contemporary Problems 3

PSY 741 Contemporary Topics in Clinical Practice 1-3

Specific course title identified for each section (e.g. Contemporary Topics in Clinical Practice: Models of Supervision). Course may be taken as 1-3 credits per semester and repeated up to 7 credits total.

Prerequisites: PSY 707, PSY 708, and malpractice insurance.

Corequisites: PSY 742 pre-MA, PSY 762 post-MA.

PSY 742 Practicum in Clinical Intervention 1-6

Supervised application of psychological principles to the assessment and therapeutic change of individual or group behavior, generally with clients in the UNCG Psychology Clinic.

Prerequisites: PSY 707, PSY 708, and malpractice insurance.

PSY 745 Multicultural Issues in Clinical Psychology 3

Examination of psychological research, theory, and clinical practice using a multicultural perspective so as to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills involved in the development of cultural competence.

Prerequisites: Admission to graduate program in clinical psychology, graduate standing in UNCG psychology programs, or permission of instructor.

PSY 751 Independent Doctoral Research 1-6

Individual work on psychological problems of special interest culminating in an intensive, critical review of literature in a given field or scientific investigation of problem.

Notes: Before registering, student should obtain the approval of graduate faculty member who agrees to monitor and evaluate the proposed research. Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

PSY 761 Preliminary Examination: Integration Across at Least Two Areas Within Psychology 3

Independent reading on a committee-approved topic. Thorough review and synthesis of major theory and findings in the field. Written and oral examination demonstrating competency across two areas in the field.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor required to register.

PSY 762 Advanced Practicum in Clinical Psychology 1-12

Advanced supervised practicum course for clinical psychology doctoral students who have completed PSY 742 training.

Prerequisites: PSY 742. malpractice insurance.

PSY 763 Internship in Clinical Psychology 1-12

Application of psychological principles to the assessment and therapeutic change of individual or group behavior in an APA-accredited off-campus setting. Students are individually supervised by appropriate agency staff.

Prerequisites: PSY 642, PSY 762, malpractice insurance.

Notes: Must be repeated once for credit. Open only to clinical psychology graduate students; Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

PSY 799 Doctoral Dissertation Research 1-24

Individual direction in the development and execution of a doctoral dissertation.

PSY 801 Thesis Extension 1-3

Thesis Extension.

PSY 802 Dissertation Extension 1-3

Dissertation Extension.

PSY 803 Research Extension 1-3