Special Education: General Curriculum, B.S.

Admissions and Policies 

The 120 credit hour major in Special Education: General Curriculum requires majors to be admitted to the School of Education's teacher education program no later than the spring of the sophomore year. Students who fail to gain admission should not expect to continue in this major.

1. Achievement of minimum passing score requirements set forth by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction on the Professional Assessment for Beginning Teachers (Praxis I);

2. The recommendation of the department; and

3. Completion of at least 12 credits at UNC Greensboro [waived for transfer students who meet GPA requirements, have departmental recommendation, and have passed the Professional Assessment for Beginning Teachers (Praxis I)].

Additional departmental requirements include:

1. A grade of C or better in SES 250 (or TED 250)

2. Completion of all courses needed to fulfill the UNC Greensboro general education requirements (MAC).

3. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required for admission to the teacher education program.

Overall Requirements

  • 120 credit hours, to include at least 36 credits at or above the 300 course level

Degree Program Requirements

University Requirements
General Education Requirements - Minerva's Academic Curriculum (MAC)

Major Requirements

Communication Development in Children *
Introduction to Professions in Specialized Education **
Survey of Learning and Behavior Differences
Interprofessional and Instructional Field Experience 1
Interprofessional and Instructional Field Experience 2
Interprofessional and Instructional Field Experience 3 1
Assessment for Exceptional Learners
Language and Emergent Literacy: Foundational Skills for Teaching Reading
Service Delivery Systems and Role Management
IEPs and Assessment
Home-School Partnerships for Students with Exceptional Needs
Student Teaching: Students with Mild and/or Moderate Disabilities
Student Teaching Seminar: Students with Mild and/or Moderate Disabilities
Positive Behavior Supports for Exceptional Learners
Reading Instruction for Learners with Reading Difficulties or Disabilities
and Lab for Reading Instruction for Learners with Reading Difficulties or Disabilities
Teaching Exceptional Learners the General Curriculum I
Teaching Exceptional Learners the General Curriculum II - Math

SES 240 not required for Dual Elementary Education and Special Education Concentration.


Dual Elementary Education and Special Education Concentration Students, SES 250 or TED 250.


SES 352 not required for Dual Elementary Education and Special Education Concentration.

Teacher Licensure Requirements

Students must have a 3.0 overall grade point average to be admitted to teacher education, and a 3.0 grade point average in all courses with an SES prefix in order to be admitted to student teaching. Students must earn a C or better in program course work. Students must also have a passing score on the Praxis I, as required by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, to be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. In addition to the General Education Core Requirements as identified above, students must complete the following courses:

Introduction to Instructional Technology for Educational Settings
Beginning Spanish I
Basic Spanish for Teachers
Psychological Foundations of Education *

TED 450 not required for Dual Elementary Education and Special Education Concentration.

Additional Field of Study*

All students majoring in Special Education: General Curriculum are required to complete an Undergraduate Minor. 

Optional Concentration

The optional concentration as detailed following the major requirements may be added, but is not required.

  • Dual Elementary Education and Special Education Concentration


Electives sufficient to complete the 120 credits required for degree.

Dual Elementary Education and Special Education Concentration Requirements

Elementary Education30
Teaching as a Profession
Introduction to Professions in Specialized Education
Mathematics for Teaching
Language Arts Education
Humanizing Pedagogies in Elementary Education
Integrating the Social Studies in Elementary Grades
Science Education in the Elementary School
Internship II: Inquiry in Teaching and Learning
Mathematics Education
Reading Education
Advanced Methods in the Elementary Grades
Teacher Licensure Requirements *3
Select one of the following
Child Art and Teaching
Dance in Preschool and Elementary Settings
Music for Preschool and Elementary Teachers
Creative Drama for the Classroom Teacher

In addition to Teacher Licensure Requirements in the major requirements.

Disciplinary Honors in Specialized Education Services 


  • A minimum of 12 credit hours as defined below.
  • UNC Greensboro cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better or, for transfer students, cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better from all prior institutions.
Senior Honors Project
6 credits of Honors course work in the major6
3 credits of Honors course work in the major or another area3


Receive a Certificate of Disciplinary Honors in Specialized Education Services; have that accomplishment, along with the title of the Senior Honors Project, noted on the official transcript; and be recognized at a banquet held at the end of the spring semester.

Honors Advisor

Contact Jon Henner at j_henner@uncg.edu for further information and guidance about Honors in Specialized Education Services. To apply: http://honorscollege.uncg.edu/forms/disc-application.pdf