Religious Studies Undergraduate Minor

Program Requirements

  • Minimum of 18 credit hours in Religious Studies at or above the 100 level as listed below.
Thinking About Religion
Western Traditions3
Select one of the following:
The Bible in Western Culture
Hebrew Bible
New Testament and the Origins of Christianity
Elements of Christian Thought
Christianity to the Reformation
Christianity from the Reformation to the Present
The Synagogue
Introduction to African American Religions
Religion in America
Witches, Spirits, and Metaphysicalism in America
Religion and Race in the Americas
Modern Judaism
Spirituality and the 12 Steps
Early Christianity
Christianity in Byzantium
Religions of the Greco-Roman World
Christianity and the Construction of Gender
Topics in Biblical Studies
Saint and Society in the Early Middle Ages
Major American Religious Thinkers
Judaism and the Construction of Gender
Contemporary African American Religious Thought
Enslaved Religion
Topics in Ancient Judaism
The Religious Discourse of Civil Rights
Modern Jewish Thinkers
Topics in Jewish Thought
Topics in Christian Thought
Non-Western Traditions3
Select one of the following:
Chinese Religion
East Asian Religions
Yoga: Theory And Practice
Approaches to the Qur'an
Native American Religions
Religion in Traditional Societies
Religion in South Asia: Selected Topics
Religions of Iran: Selected Topics
Cultural and Theoretical Studies3
Select one of the following:
Critical Thinking about Religion, Faith and Spirituality: Selected Topics
Politics and Religion
Jewish Medical Ethics
Jews, Bodies, Race
Video Games and the Problem of Evil
Comparative Religious Ethics
Religion and Public Health
Religious Traditions and Care of the Earth
Topics in Religious Social Ethics
Islam and the Construction of Gender
Religious Movements and Communities: Selected Topics
Philosophical Issues in Religion
Religion and Psychology
American Cults
Topics in Islam: Islamic Thought, Culture, and History
Religion and Popular Culture: Selected Topics
Topics in Religious Studies
Additional REL Electives6
Select two additional electives in Religious Studies at the 100 level or above