Spanish, B.A.

Admission Requirements

Students may declare their major at the Intermediate level of the Spanish Basic Language Program (SPA 203 and/or SPA 204).  

Progression Requirements

  • Students starting at the SPA 203 level:
    • must complete 33 credits in Spanish or Spanish-related course work (Including SPA 203 and SPA 204). 
  • Students starting at the SPA 204 level: 
    • must complete 30 credits in Spanish or Spanish-related course work (Including SPA 204).
  • Students starting at the 300 level:
    • must complete 27 credits in Spanish or Spanish-related course work. 

Overall Requirements

  • 120 credits, to include at least 36 credits at or above the 300 course level.
  • Minimum 27 credits at the 300 level or above in Spanish or Spanish-related course work, including the courses listed below
  • No requirement for the major can be met by a grade lower than C-
  • Students may only count two courses twice across the two LLC majors (Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, B.A. and Spanish, B.A.) including concentrations (i.e., Global Languages and Communities and Spanish, French and Francophone Studies and Global Languages and Communities).

Degree Program Requirements

University Requirements
General Education Requirements (MAC)
College of Arts and Sciences Additional Requirements (CIC)

Major Requirements

Required 18
Bridge Course
Spanish Language and Cultures
Spanish Language and Cultures for Heritage Speakers
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
Literary Studies
Introduction to Literary Studies
Writing Courses
Intermediate Spanish Composition
Intermediate Spanish Composition for Heritage Speakers
Advanced Spanish Composition
400-level Seminar
Seminar in Spanish Cultures, Literatures and Films
Seminar in U.S. Latino/Latina Cultural Studies
Seminar in Latin American Cultures, Literatures and Films
Seminar in Film Genre
Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics
Seminar in Spanish Literature
Seminar in Latin American Literature
Seminar in Literatures from the Spanish Speaking World

Additional Requirements

Students must complete at least 9 additional credits in Spanish at the 300 level and 400 level, including one (1) additional 400-level course and two (2) more upper-level courses at the 300- or 400-level.  LLC courses may apply when they involve the Spanish language and/or Spanish/Hispanic/Latinx literature or culture in a substantial way  (such as LLC 389LLC 399LLC 419 and LLC 499). 

The plan of study must include:

  • One High Impact Intercultural Experience (HIIE).  One of the following must be met:
    • Study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country
    • An LLC service-learning course (such as SPA 302SPA 310SPA 321SPA 499LLC 389LLC 399 or LLC 499)
    • Residence in the Global Village
    • Certificate of completion of the Global Leadership Program
    • Disciplinary Honors
    • Or approval by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.


To be chosen from the list below:

Cultural Studies
Advanced Spanish Language and Cultures for Heritage Speakers
Views of the Hispanic World Through Intermediate Conversation
Views of the Hispanic World Through Intermediate Conversation Abroad
Foundations in Hispanic Cultures, Literatures, and Films
Foundations in Spanish Cultures, Literatures and Films
Foundations in Latin American Cultures, Literatures and Films
Cultural Expressions in the Hispanic World Through Advanced Conversation
Topics in Hispanic Cultures, Literatures and Films
Seminar in Spanish Cultures, Literatures and Films
Seminar in U.S. Latino/Latina Cultural Studies
Seminar in Latin American Cultures, Literatures and Films
Seminar in Film Genre
Hispanic Linguistics
Topics in Hispanic Linguistics
Spanish in the U.S.
Spanish Phonetics
Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics
Literary Studies
Topics in Latin American Literature
Topics in Spanish Literature
Topics in Literature from the Spanish Speaking World
Seminar in Spanish Literature
Seminar in Latin American Literature
Seminar in Literatures from the Spanish Speaking World
Service Learning/Internship
LLC Service Learning
Cultural Immersion through Community-Based Service Learning
Internship in Spanish
Community-Based Service Learning
Additional Courses
Spanish in a Public School Setting
Honors Work
Directed Study in Spanish Language
Directed Study in Hispanic Cultures and/or Literatures
Second Language Acquisition

Related Courses, Second Majors

Suggested: Second foreign language and literature; English or American Literature; Classical Studies; Spanish or Spanish American History; International and Global Studies; European Studies, Latin American Studies; Music; Art; Social Science; Anthropology; International Business Studies; Religious Studies.


Electives sufficient to complete the 120 credit hours required for degree.

Disciplinary Honors in Spanish


  • A minimum of 15 credit hours of Honors and advanced courses with grades of B or better.
  • UNC Greensboro cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better or, for transfer students, cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better from all prior institutions.
Senior Honors Project
Select 12 credits in the major from the following:12
400-level courses
Honors courses in the major
Contract Honors courses in the major
Honors Work


Receive a Certificate of Disciplinary Honors in Spanish; have that accomplishment, along with the title of the Senior Honors Project, noted on the official transcript; and be recognized at a banquet held at the end of the spring semester.

Honors Advisor

See Laura Chesak at for further information and guidance about Disciplinary Honors. To apply: