Geography, B.A.

Overall Requirements

  • 120 credit hours, to include at least 36 credits at or above the 300 course level.
  • ​A minimum of 27 credits in geography above the 100 level. Only grades of C- or higher will count toward completion of the major and concentrations.
  • No more than 6 credit hours from GES courses numbered 160-170, 260-289, 360-399, 460-489 may be applied to the major.

Degree Program Requirements

University Requirements
General Education Requirements (MAC)
College of Arts and Sciences Additional Requirements (CIC)

Major Requirements

Geographic Techniques3
Select one of the following courses:
Introduction to Geographic Information Science
Research Methods in Spatial Science
Principles of Cartography
Geographic Information Systems
Earth from Space
Earth Science3-4
Select one option of the following courses:
Option A:
Our Dynamic Planet
Option B:
Introduction to Earth Science
and Earth Science Laboratory
Human Geography3
Select one of the following courses:
Introduction to Human Geography
Cities of the World
Urban Geography: Sustainable Land Use
World Population Problems
Sustainable Transport and Mobility
World Economic Geography
The Geography of World Affairs
Regional Geography3
Select one of the following courses:
The Historical Geography of the Western World
World Regional Geography
Natural Resource Regions of North America
Geography of Europe
Geography of East Asia
Geography of the United States and Canada
Seminar in Regional Geography
Current Topics in Regional Geography

Optional Concentrations

Any of the optional concentrations as detailed following the major requirements may be added, but a concentration is not required.  

  • Earth Science
  • Geographic Information Science
  • Urban Planning


Electives sufficient to complete the 120 credit hours required for degree.

Earth Science Concentration Requirements

A central theme of geography is human interaction with the earth’s physical environment. This concentration permits students to apply the basic scientific principles of physical geography, cartography, and natural resource analysis to the problem of ensuring a high quality of life through maintenance of the natural processes that support human existence. This concentration also provides training to enhance the employment opportunities of students with a strong interest in environmental assessment and resource evaluation.

Additional Concentration Requirements23
Weather and Climate
and Climatology Laboratory
Physical Geography: Landscape Processes
and Physical Geography Laboratory
Select five of the following courses:
Environmental Change: Its Nature and Impact
Environmental Hazards Assessment
Geomorphology of North America
Elements of Hydrology
Principles of Cartography
Geographic Information Systems
Earth from Space
Advanced Weather and Climate-Synoptic Climatology
Applied Physical Geography
Advanced Cartography
Advanced Remote Sensing-Imaging

Geographic Information Science Concentration Requirements

Students with this concentration will develop skills in using maps, geospatial computer programs, and remotely sensed images to answer geographic questions relevant to land use planning, urban development, geomorphic or biogeographic processes, or environmental impact assessment. A capstone course (GES 421), which includes a faculty-directed major project, is completed in the final semester.

Additional Concentration Requirements16
Introduction to Geographic Information Science
and Intro to Geographic Information Science Laboratory
Principles of Cartography
Geographic Information Systems
Earth from Space
Select one of the following courses:
Advanced Cartography
Advanced Remote Sensing-Imaging
Geographic Information Science *

Taken after the completion of the other Additional Concentration Requirements.

Urban Planning Concentration Requirements

The inter-regional shift of people and jobs in the United States and elsewhere over the past decades coupled with the movement away from large central cities has increased the need for formal urban and regional planning. Planners are needed in the private sector as well as in state and local governments to provide the appropriate kinds of economic and community development that will ensure a high quality of life in both developed and developing countries. In a growth region like the Southeast, geographers with a planning background are in increasing demand

Additional Concentration Requirements24
Introduction to Human Geography
Cities of the World
World Economic Geography
Select five of the following courses:
Urban Geography: Sustainable Land Use
World Population Problems
Sustainable Transport and Mobility
Tourism Planning and Development
Research Methods in Spatial Science
Sustainable Tourism and Transportation
Geography of the United States and Canada
Principles of Cartography
Sustainable Urban Planning in an Entrepreneurial Environment
Geography of Livable Cities
Regional Economic Development

Geography as a Second Major

  • Minimum of 27 credit hours

A student may obtain a second major in geography along with any other major. The student should take 27 credits, including four core courses listed above for the Geography Major. Students considering this option should consult a faculty member in the department.

Disciplinary Honors in Geography


  • A minimum of 12 credit hours as defined below.
  • UNC Greensboro cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better or, for transfer students, cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better from all prior institutions.
Senior Honors Project
Honors Work
6 credits of Honors course work in the major6
3 credits of Honors course work in the major or another area3


Receive a Certificate of Disciplinary Honors in Geography; have that accomplishment, along with the title of the Senior Honors Project, noted on the official transcript; and be recognized at a banquet held at the end of the spring semester.

Honors Advisor

Contact Jay Lennartson at for further information and guidance about Honors Geography. To apply:

Accelerated B.A. to M.A. in Applied Geography 

Application and Admission

Qualified UNC Greensboro undergraduate students who are pursuing the B.A. in Geography may apply for admission to the Accelerated Master's Program (AMP). A cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.5 based on at least 30 credits earned at UNC Greensboro is required. Applicants must have completed at least 60 credits and may not apply for admission to the AMP before the first semester of the junior year. Applicants will not be required to take the GRE. All applicants must complete the Accelerated Master's Program information along with their application for admission to the graduate degree program.


Admitted students may apply a maximum of 12 credits of graduate-level course work from the following course list toward completion of both the undergraduate and graduate degree, provided they earn a grade of B (3.0) or better in each course and fulfill graduate-level requirements:

GES 602Sustainable Urban Planning in an Entrepreneurial Environment3
GES 604Political Geography3
GES 618Biogeography3
GES 619Advanced Weather and Climate-Synoptic Climatology3
GES 632Geography of Livable Cities3
GES 650Applied Physical Geography3
GES 651Seminar in Regional Geography3
GES 657Advanced Cartography3
GES 659Advanced Remote Sensing-Imaging3

Please consult with an advisor to determine how the courses taken at the graduate level will meet requirements in the bachelor's degree program. All degree requirements for the B.A. and M.A. degree in Geography remain the same.