Advocacy and Public Writing Undergraduate Minor

Advocacy and Public Writing minors have wide choice among courses offered in fulfilling the minimum of 18 credits. They are encouraged, however, to discuss course options with the Director of Undergraduate Studies as early as possible.

Program Requirements

  • 18 credit hours with a minimum of 9 credits at the 300 level or above.
Public Advocacy and Argument
Select one of the following:
History and Theory of Rhetoric
Contemporary Rhetoric
Digital Rhetoric
Select four of the following: *
Journalism I: Fundamentals of Newswriting
Advocacy Writing
Writing in Digital Environments
Health and Wellness in Cultural Context
Language and Society
Social Movement and Social Justice Rhetorics
History and Theory of Rhetoric
Contemporary Rhetoric
Digital Rhetoric
Postcolonial Literatures
Studies in Human Rights and Literature
Writing for Professionals and Entrepreneurs
Topics in Rhetoric and Composition
Studies in Writing Feedback and Writing Center Theory & Practice
Internship in Journalism and Editing
Contemporary Publishing in America
Internship in English Studies
Early African American Writers
Topics in Native American and Indigenous Studies
African American Writers after the 1920s
Literature and the Environment
Feminist Thry / Women Writers
Communicating Ethically
Persuasion in Western Culture
Organizational Communication
Persuasion and Social Influence
Communication and Public Relations: Strategies and Innovations
Conflict Communication
Speaking Out for Community Change
Environmental Communication
Reclaiming Democracy: Dialogue, Decision-Making, Community Action
Special Topics in Communication Research **

Additional English Courses may be included for this category by approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies. 


With approval of the specific topic by the English Department Director of Undergraduate Studies.