Communication Studies


Pete KellettG

Etsuko KinefuchiG

Loreen Nyla OlsonG

Christopher N. PoulosG

Associate Professor

Marianne E. LeGrecoG

Assistant Professor

Cristiane Sommer DamascenoG


Graduate-level faculty

CST 105 Introduction to Communication Studies 3

Students will learn to construct and deliver coherent oral arguments for various contexts. Principles of competent communication will be addressed. Recordings will be used to evaluate and enhance communication skills.

MAC: MAC Oral Communication

CST 199 Introduction to Communication Inquiry 1

This course prepares students to ask and answer questions from a communication perspective. Students will engage critical thinking skills to evaluate evidence, interpret communication journal articles, and package information.

CST 200 Communication and Community 3

Exploration of role and impact of communication in diverse communities. Ethical and social responsibilities of civic action are examined in the context of community problem solving. Includes service learning experience in a supervised setting.

CST 207 Relational Communication 3

Contemporary theory and practice of relational communication, with emphasis on increasing awareness of strategic and ethical uses of communication to build relationships.

CST 210 Communicating Ethically 3

Provides students with an opportunity to think critically about ethical and moral dimensions of current practices in interpersonal, institutional, and public communication.

CST 300 Communication Theory 3

Critical analysis and evaluation of scientific, rhetorical, and critical theories of communication. Emphasis on how theory assists us to understand, predict, and transform society.

Prerequisites: Junior status and above and any two courses from among CST 200, CST 207, and CST 210, or permission of instructor.

CST 305 Persuasion in Western Culture 3

The history of rhetoric (persuasion) and its evolution in Western culture, from ancient Greece to our current age. Application of rhetorical theory/criticism to various historical and contemporary communicative events.

Prerequisites: CST 105 and junior standing.

CST 308 Organizational Communication 3

Examines contemporary organizational communication theory and practices as they enable organizations to function, change, learn, and create/recreate identities.

CST 311 Deliberation and Decision Making 3

Course content explores the theory and practice of collaborative argumentation. This includes analysis and deliberation over contemporary issues and training in reasoned, persuasive oral and written communications.

CST 315 Persuasion and Social Influence 3

Theories and practices of persuasion in critically evaluating and creating/composing persuasive messages. Role of ethics in relational, group, and mass mediated persuasive communication.

CIC: CIC College Writing

CST 333 Special Problems 1-3

Guided individual study in an area of special interest to the student.

Prerequisites: Permission of faculty supervisor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

CST 337 Intercultural Communication 3

Drawing from multiple theoretical perspectives, this course explores theories, research, and issues important to the understanding of communication between people from different racial, ethnic, national, and other cultural backgrounds.

CST 341 Communication and Workplace Relationships 3

Advanced communication skills applied to the workplace. Emphasis on both oral and written communication in interviewing, making presentations, and creating ethically grounded professional communication.

CST 342 Communication and Public Relations: Strategies and Innovations 3

Prepares students for effective and ethical public communication and relations on behalf of profit and not-for-profit organizations. Students conduct research, apply strategies, and utilize innovative methods to meet organizational communication objectives.

CIC: CIC College Writing

CST 343 Crisis Communication 3

Investigates the range of crises facing us in every segment of society. From readings, case studies, videos, and presentations an understanding of current communication functions relating to these issues are studied.

CIC: CIC College Writing

CST 344 Conflict Communication 3

Course explores how communication is central to expressing opposing voices and managing conflicted relationships, change, diversity/difference, and identities.

CIC: CIC College Writing

CST 350 Small Group and Team Communication 3

Theory and practice of small group/team communication, emphasizing student participation. Develops skills for leadership in small group/teams. Develops framework for analysis of effective small groups/teams.

CST 390 Speaking Center Theory and Practice 3

Explores principles of Communication Across the Curriculum, applying them to interpersonal communication, listening, group communication, public speaking, and pedagogy to prepare Communication Consultants in UNCG's Speaking Intensive program.

Prerequisites: CST 105 or CST 341 (may be taken as a corequisite). 3.0 GPA in the student's major; written permission from the Speaking Across the Curriculum Center Director.

CST 399 Communication Research Methods 3

Theoretical examination and practical application of the philosophical, ideological, and processual bases for selecting, using, and evaluating methods of conducting and reporting communication research.

CST 403 Communication Pedagogy 3

Seminar focusing on the effect of communication upon learning. For undergraduates interested in teaching or training. Emphasis on pedagogical principles and instructional materials.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

CST 406 Speaking Out for Community Change 3

Exploration of theory and practice in community advocacy. Focus on public deliberation, moral conflict, and community dialogue in value-laden topics and controversies.

Prerequisites: CST 305 recommended for undergraduates.

CST 407 Gender and Communication 3

Using a case study method, this course examines the relationship of gender to communication process. Identity, language, and relationships within cultural context are key concepts under study.

Prerequisites: CST 207 or equivalent.

CST 408 Health Communication 3

Focuses on current trends in the design of health messages. Explores health campaigns, interpersonal interventions, health care institutions, and consumer-based models and participatory approaches to health.

Prerequisites: CST 105.

Notes: May be repeated once for credit.

CST 412 Communication Internship 3-6

Field learning experience using communication theory, research, and strategies in agencies and organizations within the larger community.

Prerequisites: Will vary. junior or senior status, and permission of instructor;

Notes: May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. credit. Open to majors only.

CST 415 Family Communication 3

Exploration of family communication, including symbols, meanings, rules, traditions, stories, secrets, roles, artifacts, and theoretical frameworks. Practical application exercises and research related to family communication practices and patterns.

CST 416 Communication and Ethnography: Writing Life 3

Intensive study and practice of methodologies of personal narrative, ethnography, autoethnography, and memoir. Examination and expression of self, identity, and communication in close personal relationships via writing life histories.

CIC: CIC College Writing

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.

CST 417 Communication and Friendship 3

Course focuses on communication in friendships, via a close examination of friendships in everyday and popular culture contexts. Ethnographic methodology and dialectical, narrative, and identity theory frame our study.

CIC: CIC College Writing

CST 420 Environmental Communication 3

Explores environmental communication including current issues, theoretical frameworks, ethical frameworks, and the symbolic relationship of humans to nature. Emphasizes research, analysis, critical self-reflection, and practices.

CST 421 African American Culture and Identity 3

Examines dynamic ways that African Americans construct, maintain, and negotiate their social identities in a variety of contexts. Explores the connections among race/ethnic identity, communication, and culture.

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.

CST 440 Reclaiming Democracy: Dialogue, Decision-Making, Community Action 4

This course asks: How do we reclaim our democracy as a humane, inclusive process responsible to the needs of all community members and what does this require of us?

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.

CST 455 Relational Communication and the Hollywood Feature Film 3

Analysis and application of images, discourses, and practices concerning human communication and relationships as they are represented in the powerful cultural medium of film.

Prerequisites: Undergraduates: CST 207, CST 300 or CST 305, and upper division standing.

CST 460 Special Topics in Communication Research 3

Seminar in applying communication theory and research to current topics.

Notes: May be repeated for credit an unlimited number of times when topics vary.

CST 499 Senior Capstone 3

Graduating seniors synthesize their experience of the communication studies major by reflecting on course work and scholarly focus areas, assessing departmental learning outcomes, and constructing a career portfolio.

Prerequisites: Senior status or permission of instructor.

CST 601 Engaging Communication Scholarship I 3

Theories and research methodologies in communication studies. Emphasis on application of theory to social and cultural contexts and use of methods to solve research problems/answer research questions.

CST 602 Engaging Communication Scholarship II 3

Study of theories and research methodologies in communication studies. Application of communication theory to social and cultural contexts and use of methods to solve research problems/answer research questions.

CST 603 Communication Pedagogy 3

Seminar focusing on the effect of communication upon learning. For graduate teaching assistants in any discipline, graduates or undergraduates interested in teaching or training. Emphasis on pedagogical principles and instructional materials.

CST 605 Communicating for Social Change 3

Theoretical and practical views on how to work inside and outside institutions of power to transform values, assert credibility, and mobilize others. Emphasis on how communication creates social change. Topics and emphasis vary by semester.

CST 606 Speaking Out for Community Change 3

Exploration of theory and practice in community advocacy. Focus on public deliberation, moral conflict, and community dialogue in value-laden topics and controversies.

CST 612 Seminar in Communication Studies 3

Subject matter varies.

Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate degree program or permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

CST 621 African American Culture and Identity 3

Examines dynamic ways that African Americans construct, maintain, and negotiate their social identities in a variety of contexts. Explores the connections among race/ethnic identity, communication, and culture.

CST 630 Communication, Organization, and Democracy 3

Draws upon critical organizational communication and critical/cultural studies to consider the role of communication in creating and sustaining democratic organizing in micro, meso, and macro contexts.

CST 632 Communication Ethics and Social Justice 3

Theory and practice of communication ethics in a free society. Issues and cases ranging from intrapersonal to mass media communication situations.

Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate degree program or permission of instructor.

CST 635 Identity, Culture, and Communication 3

Takes critical/cultural studies approaches to examine how culturally significant identity sites such as race, ethnicity, gender, and diaspora are constructed, negotiated, and resisted through communication.

CST 650 Independent Study 1-3

Topic to be determined by faculty advisor and student.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.

CST 652 Research Practicum in Communication 1-3

Engagement in communication research with the direct supervision of a member of the Graduate Faculty.

Prerequisites: Permission of Graduate Faculty member with whom student wishes to work.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CST 655 Relational Communication and the Hollywood Feature Film 3

Analysis and application of images, discourses, and practices concerning human communication and relationships as they are represented in the powerful cultural medium of film.

CST 659 Communication and Gender 3

Ways in which communication process constructs gendered communities. Analysis of gendered language codes, speech communities, and messages that transform community.

CST 663 Seminar in Relational Communication 3

Major interpersonal communication theories and constructs, and methods for investigating them.

Prerequisites: Admission to appropriate degree program or permission of instructor.

CST 698 Capstone Experience in Communication (Final Research Project) 1-3

Synthesis of theories, research methods, and practices of communication that will shape the 21st Century, demonstrated through independent scholarly research conducted in consultation with faculty committee.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

CST 803 Research Extension 1-3

Research Extension.