Auditing Courses

Current UNC Greensboro students may audit courses upon the written approval of the instructor. Auditors must register officially for the class. Attendance, preparation, and participation in the classroom discussion and laboratory exercises shall be at the discretion of the instructor. An auditor is not required to take examinations and tests and receives no credit for the course.

Registration may not be changed from audit to credit or from credit to audit status after the end of schedule adjustment.

A full-time UNC Greensboro student (registered for 12 or more credit hours) may audit one course per semester without an additional fee. A part-time UNC Greensboro student (registered for fewer than 12 credits) may audit no more than two courses per semester and is charged a $15.00 fee for each audited course.

See the Auditors topic in the Admission to the University section for auditing options other than current UNC Greensboro students.