Public Health Education


Sharon D. MorrisonG

Michael A. PerkoG

Paige Hall SmithG

Robert W. StrackG

Amanda E TannerG

David L. WyrickG

Academic Professional Professor

Regina Lynette McCoyG

Associate Professor

Sandra E EcheverriaG

Jennifer Toller ErausquinG

Jeff John MilroyG

Erica Payton FohG

Jeannette Wade

Academic Professional Associate Professor

Stefanie Smith Milroy

Assistant Professor

Tamar Shoshana GoldenbergG

Michelle Y. Martin RomeroG

Carrie M RosarioG

Academic Professional Assistant Professor

Suzanne Alexander Hunt

Andrea Aliece Lewis

Amelia Dare Stevens Mattocks


​Graduate-level faculty 

HEA 113 Medical Terminology for Public Health Professionals 3

An examination of medical terminology with an emphasis on terms related to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic health conditions.

HEA 201 Personal Health 3

Study of determinants of healthful and safe living for various age groups; emphasis on analyses and interpretations of research methods and findings within a social ecological conceptual framework.

MAC: MAC Health and Wellness

Notes: Fulfills teacher licensure requirements. Elective for all others.

HEA 202 Introduction to Peer Health Education 3

Study of health issues integrating methods of peer education, preparing students through experiential learning to serve the university community as peer educators. Four tracts: sexual health; alcohol and other drugs; wellness; diversity.

Prerequisites: Freshman or Sophomore standing.

HEA 203 Peer Health Education: Selected Topics 1

Continued study in one of four tracts of health topics: sexual health, alcohol and other drugs; wellness; diversity. Students utilize and demonstrate methods of peer health education.

Prerequisites: HEA 202.

Notes: May be repeated twice for a total of three (3) credits.

HEA 210 Public Health and Film 3

Addresses critical issues in public health as they are portrayed in film. Emphasis on narrative storytelling as a method of engagement and exploration of ethics in public health.

MAC: MAC Health and Wellness

HEA 213 Human Body Systems: Anatomy and Physiology for the Public Health Professional 3

Through the course, students will be introduced to an audio-visual introduction to concepts of human body structure and function. Emphasis on principles of anatomy and physiology that are foundational to understanding public health diseases and conditions.

Prerequisites: Public Health Education Majors only.

HEA 231 Athlete Health and Sport Performance 3

This course will address the prevention of acute and chronic effects of health issues on athlete health and sport performance within various socio-ecological systems that athletes operate within.

HEA 260 Human Sexuality 3

Study of psychosocial, biological, cultural, and developmental research aspects of human sexuality emphasizing methods of sexuality research, relationships, gender issues, intimacy, sexual response, reproduction, exploitation, and dysfunctions.

MAC: MAC Health and Wellness

HEA 307 Global Health 3

Study of disease burden and health systems in high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Emphasis on challenges and public health and entrepreneurial approaches to improvements in resource-constrained and emerging nations.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 307 may not take HEA 307 for credit.

HEA 308 Introduction to Public Health 3

Introduction to public health terminology, history, core disciplines, professional roles and services. Overview of current public health challenges and impact of the public health efforts on population health.

Prerequisites: Public Health Education major or permission of instructor.

HEA 310 Mental Health and Well-Being 3

Study of mental health issues and emotional well-being emphasizing mental disorders, stigma, and disparities in intervention approaches. Also covers social, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness.

HEA 312 Public Health and Healthcare Systems in the US 3

Study of how the public health system and the health care system interact to influence society's health. Differential impact on stakeholders, costs, insurance, health reform, health promotion through policy.

Prerequisites: HEA 308, HEA 315.

HEA 314 Public Health Diseases 3

Focus on biological concepts and biomedical terms associated with public health disease conditions. Emphasis on etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, risk factors, and their impact on prevention and control.

Prerequisites: HEA 213 or concurrent enrollment in HEA 213 or BIO 271 or BIO 277 or KIN 291 or KIN 292 or equivalent. or permission of instructor.

HEA 315 Epidemiology 3

Study of the distribution and determinants of disease occurrence with emphasis on application to health education. Prerequisite or

Corequisites: Public Health Education major or minor. MAT 115 or STA 108 or higher-level MAT or STA course; or permission of instructor.

HEA 316 Environmental Health 3

An analysis of the identification, assessment, and control of environmental health risks. Focus on the effects of specific toxicants and the prevention of their negative impact on health and well-being.

HEA 325 Public Health Data Analysis 3

Applied course to develop skills in finding, understanding and analyzing public health data that is essential for needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation. Prerequisite or

Corequisites: MAT 115 or STA 108 or higher level MAT or STA course, or permission of instructor.

HEA 331 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs 3

Analysis of the epidemiological, physiological, psychosocial, and public health considerations of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. Emphasis on public health education theory and approaches to prevention, intervention, and treatment.

HEA 334 Community Health 3

Overview of complex social, health, and medical problems of modern society, with special emphasis on community programs for solving them. Study of programs of official/voluntary health agencies designed to promote/protect the health of citizens, observed through field trips, discussed by guest lecturers, and studied through other forms of enrichment.

Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.

HEA 338 Safety and First Aid 3

Study of factors essential to safety in home, school, and community, with emphasis on First Aid and emergency care knowledge and skills. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) included.

Notes: Students may not take both HEA 236 and HEA 338 for credit.

HEA 339 Introduction to Public Health Education Practice 3

Meetings with health educators and field trips to introduce students to the application of health education principles. Course is the first in a sequence of four experiential courses.

Prerequisites: HEA 308. or permission of instructor;

Corequisites: HEA 308.

HEA 340 Community Observation and Assessment 3

Process for working within a community or population to assess its health needs and assets. Focus on cultural competence, knowledge of community agencies and gatekeepers, and community data collection methods.

Prerequisites: HEA 308. HEA 314; HEA 315; HEA 339; admission to the PHTH major, Community Health Education concentration; or permission of instructor; Pr. or Coreq.: HEA 325.

HEA 341 Health Pedagogy for Elementary School Teachers 1.5

Introduction to the design and implementation of learning tasks that demonstrate the importance of proper nutrition, promotion of healthy relationships, consequences of substance abuse, and prevention of accidents and injuries.

Prerequisites: Acceptance into Teacher Education Program.

HEA 350 Race, Ethnicity, and Health 3

This course considers the implications of both race and ethnicity for understanding health determinants, as well as policy and programming for addressing population level health concerns.

HEA 366 Community Health Interventions I 3

Theory and practice in planning and using health education strategies for individuals and small groups.

Prerequisites: HEA 308, HEA 314, HEA 315, HEA 339. admission to a professional program for community health education concentration; or permission of instructor; Pr. or Coreq.: HEA 325.

HEA 405 Program Planning and Evaluation 3

Methods used by health educators to respond to health problems and opportunities. Emphasis on comprehensive program planning that includes assessment, community involvement, intervention selection and development, implementation, and evaluation.

Prerequisites: HEA 340 and HEA 366. admission to professional program for community health education concentration; or permission of instructor;

Corequisites: HEA 466.

HEA 412 Community Health Organizations 3

Study of the structure and operation of community health organizations.

Prerequisites: HEA 308, HEA 314, HEA 315, HEA 316, and HEA 325. or permission of instructor.

HEA 426 Internship Planning 3

Professional preparation, planning, and placement practicum for the 400-hour supervised internship experience (HEA 428). Should be taken one semester prior to HEA 428.

Prerequisites: HEA 339, HEA 340, HEA 366. admission to professional program.

HEA 428 Health Education Internship (Fieldwork IV and Seminar) 9

Experience in using public health education techniques and practices in a community organization/agency. Emphasis on functioning as a professional health educator under supervision.

Prerequisites: HEA 340, HEA 366, and HEA 466. PUBH major with Community Health education concentration or permission of instructor; overall 2.50 GPA; grade of C or better in all required HEA courses;

Notes: Minimum 320 contact hours. Grade: Pass/Not Pass (P/NP).

HEA 433 Gender and Health 3

This course considers the implications of both gender and biological sex for understanding health determinants as well as policy and programming for addressing population level health concerns.

HEA 435 Introduction to Health Coaching 3

Using socio-behavioral theory and communication techniques to understand health behaviors, the context in which they occur, and how to help people reach their optimal health through self-management and lifestyle changes.

HEA 447 Income, Social Status, and Health 3

This course considers the population health implications of income and social status as structural determinants of health. Policy and program interventions will be explored as practical solutions.

HEA 450 Current Health Problems 3

Examination of selected health problems and/or populations that are of current pertinence. Populations and/or problems will be explored within the context of their impact on society.

HEA 466 Community Health Interventions II 3

Theory and practice in selecting, developing and implementing community-level interventions to improve the health of individuals and communities.

Prerequisites: HEA 308, HEA 314, HEA 325, HEA 339, HEA 340, HEA 366. admission to the professional program for community health education concentration; or permission of instructor.

HEA 470 Adolescent Health 3

Survey of adolescent health problems and needs. Focus on epidemiological trends, behavioral and social etiological factors, and public health interventions to reduce specific adolescent health problems.

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.

HEA 471 Immigrant and Refugee Health 3

Overview of issues affecting health promotion among immigrant and refugee populations. Focus on migration, dislocation, resettlement, adjustment, historical, epidemiological, behaviors, cultural, socioeconomic, and political factors, and interventions to address needs.

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.

HEA 475 Independent Study 1-3

Intensive work in an area of special interest in health education. Available to qualified students on recommendation of academic advisor and instructor.

Prerequisites: Demonstrated competency for independent work and permission of academic advisor and instructor.

Notes: May be repeated once for credit.

HEA 490 Capstone Experience 6

Capstone experience designed to apply knowledge and skills from core areas of public health using a problem-based approach to address public health challenges.

Prerequisites: HEA 308, HEA 314, HEA 315, HEA 316, HEA 325, HEA 350, HEA 433, HEA 447. PHTH major: Health Studies Online concentration.

HEA 601 Foundations of Public Health 3

Examination of public health and health education, principles underlying health education practice, and the roles and responsibilities of a community health educator.

Prerequisites: Admission to the M.P.H. program or permission of instructor.

HEA 602 Epidemiology Methods 3

Overview of basic epidemiologic concepts and methods used to understand the distribution of health and disease in populations. Focus is on application to community health education.

Prerequisites: HEA 601, HEA 604.

HEA 603 Community Health Analysis 3

Assessment of community structure, residents, organizations and associations, to determine health-related capacities, needs, and interests. Emphasizes the use of both primary and secondary data sources for community analysis.

Prerequisites: Admission to the MPH program or permission of instructor.

HEA 604 Quantitative Methods 3

Introduction to statistical concepts and descriptive and inferential statistics. Applied course with a focus on accessing public data sets, interpreting published results, using statistical software, and disseminating health information.

Prerequisites: Admission to the M.P.H. program or permission of instructor.

HEA 607 Determinants of Health 3

Examines how biology, behavior, psychology, culture, and the environment affect population-level health with an emphasis on social, political, economic contexts and structural/institutional bias, racism, and discrimination.

Prerequisites: Admission to the MPH program or permission of the instructor.

HEA 608 Environmental Health 3

Analysis of local, national, and international environmental issues influencing the health of individuals and communities; air and water quality, waste management, disease control, occupational settings, population, and environmental planning.

HEA 609 Community Health Interventions 3

Overview of theories, successful intervention strategies, and methods of implementation across the social ecology and their application to the development of health education programs.

Prerequisites: HEA 601, HEA 603, HEA 604, HEA 608. Pr. or Coreq.: HEA 602.

HEA 612 Management of Community Health Organizations 3

Analysis and skill development in management of community health organizations, including self-reflection, planning, staffing, marketing, building and managing agency and community teams. Literature reviews, community interviews, case study and experiential analysis.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree program or permission of instructor.

HEA 614 Assessment and Program Planning II 3

Provides development of essential skills in community health assessment and program planning. Emphasis is on the application of skills in different settings and across social ecological levels.

Prerequisites: HEA 618 and HEA 619. Admission to the MPH program or permission of the instructor.

HEA 615 Systems, Leadership, and Policy II 3

Application of the policy-making processes and issues at the organizational level. Focus on using systems thinking tools in leadership and management as well as in policy analysis.

Prerequisites: HEA 618 and HEA 619. Admission to the MPH program or permission of the instructor.

HEA 616 Workplace Health Promotion 3

Public and private worksite health promotion programs. Skills and knowledge to oversee the planning, implementation, and evaluation of these programs. Links to employee benefits and successful programs to be critically examined.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree program or permission of instructor.

HEA 618 Assessment and Program Planning I 3

Introduction to methods of community health assessment and program planning. Application of methods through case studies and direct experience.

Prerequisites: HEA 601 and HEA 621. Admission to the MPH program or permission of the instructor.

HEA 619 Systems, Leadership, and Policy I 3

Provides an overview of health policy issues and analyses using systems thinking tools. Introduces leadership and advocacy skills for engaging communities in health policy change.

Prerequisites: HEA 601 and HEA 607. Admission to the MPH program or permission of the instructor.

HEA 621 Public Health Theories and Strategies 3

Foundations in public health theories and theoretical thinking; major interventions and strategies in community health education; linking theories, health issues, and strategies.

Prerequisites: Admission to the MPH program or permission of the instructor.

HEA 622 Social Epidemiology 3

Content, methods, and theory of social epidemiology.

Prerequisites: Pr. or Coreq: HEA 602, HEA 604.

HEA 623 Assessment and Program Planning II 3

Provides development of essential skills in community health assessment and program planning. Emphasis is on the application of skills in different settings and across social ecological levels.

Prerequisites: HEA 618 and HEA 619, admission to the M.P.H. program, or permission of the instructor.

HEA 624 Systems, Leadership, and Policy II 3

Application of the policy-making processes and issues at the organizational level. Focus on using systems thinking tools in leadership and management as well as in policy analysis.

Prerequisites: HEA 618 and HEA 619, admission to the M.P.H. program, or permission of the instructor.

HEA 625 Evaluation Methods 3

Standards of and methods in the evaluation of community health education programs and policies. Focus on connecting tools and techniques of evaluation to assessment, program planning, and community engagement.

Prerequisites: HEA 602, HEA 604.

HEA 629 Motivational Interviewing: Promoting Individual and Community Health Through Effective Communication 3

Learning and application of motivational interviewing concepts and skills to enhance communication strategies across various disciplines.

HEA 630 Foundations of Health Coaching 3

Theories, vocabulary, philosophies, tools, and core skills essential to becoming a certified health coach. Emphasis on supporting client's behavior change through a coaching spirit, change framework, and effective communication strategies.

Prerequisites: Admission to the M.P.H. or Ph.D. program in Community Health Education or permission of the instructor.

HEA 631 Introduction to Athlete Well-Being 3

Examination of the interconnectedness of sport and society, the culture of sport, and human development across and within multiple complex systems.

HEA 632 Social Determinants of Athlete Well-Being 3

Consideration of athlete well-being through a Social Determinants of Health lens, critically examining cognitive, sociocultural, system-level risk and protective factors that promote or inhibit athlete well-being.

Prerequisites: HEA 631.

Corequisites: HEA 631.

HEA 633 Applied Concepts in Athlete Well-Being 3

Case study-based course that prepares students to compare and contrast as well as assemble evidence-based strategies to promote athlete well-being across a variety of sport contexts.

Prerequisites: HEA 631, HEA 632.

HEA 640 Global Health Issues 3

Examine global health issues with an analysis of the determinants of health status in selected world regions and analyze global prevention efforts. Study of international organizations; roles and programs.

HEA 645 Health Policy 3

Health policy process in the US; examination of historical and current health policy issues, and survey of methods for analyzing health policy options.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree program or permission of instructor.

HEA 648 Applied Program Planning 3

Methods and models of planning health education programs for various settings.

Prerequisites: GPA of 3.0 or better, HEA 609 and HEA 645, or permission of instructor.

HEA 650 Community Health Internship/Practicum 6

Supervised experience in the observation, delivery, and evaluation of health education services in community settings.

Prerequisites: GPA of 3.0 or better and HEA 648, or permission of instructor.

Notes: Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

HEA 662 Gender and Health 3

Health issues and health problems with respect to gender differences, similarities and historical conceptions.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree program or permission of instructor.

HEA 665 Violence and Public Health 3

The origins and epidemiology of violence, factors influencing our social response to violence and role of public health professionals in a community response. Literature and field-based analysis.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree program or permission of instructor.

HEA 671 Immigrant and Refugee Health 3

Overview of health status of immigrant and refugee populations. Focus on migration, resettlement, adaptation, epidemiological, behavioral, cultural, socioeconomic, legal, and political factors impacting health, and interventions to address needs.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate program in public health education or permission of instructor.

HEA 676 Problems Seminar 3

Specific course title identified each semester by a subscript, e.g., Problems Seminar: Professional Literature in Health Education.

Prerequisites: Previous course work in appropriate content areas or permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

HEA 695 Independent Study 1-3

Intensive study in an area of special interest in health education.

Prerequisites: Demonstrated competency for independent work and permission of departmental academic advisor and the instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

HEA 697 Community Health Field Project 1-3

Supervised community health education field project including a major literature-based paper.

Prerequisites: HEA 601, HEA 602, HEA 604 and HEA 625, or permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.

HEA 700 Foundations of Public Health 3

Examination of public health and health education, principles underlying health education practice, and the roles and responsibilities of a community health educator.

Prerequisites: Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 701 Promoting and Protecting Health through Entrepreneurship 3

Introduction to Federal Small Business Research grant mechanisms for entrepreneurial research. Preparation of a grant proposal for submission to NIH, CDC, or Department of Education.

Notes: Students who have prior credit for ENT 701 may not take HEA 701 for credit.

HEA 702 Professional Grant Writing for Community Organizations 3

Theoretical and applied avenues to learning Professional Grant Writing for Health and Human Service Organizations in the Community.

Prerequisites: Enrolled graduate students in the School of HHS, or permission of instructor.

Notes: Same as HHS 702.

HEA 703 Community Health Analysis 3

Assessment of community structure, residents, organizations and associations, to determine health-related capacities, needs, and interests. Emphasizes the use of both primary and secondary data sources for community analysis.

Prerequisites: Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 704 Quantitative Methods 3

Introduction to statistical concepts and descriptive and inferential statistics. Applied course with a focus on accessing public data sets, interpreting published results, using statistical software, and disseminating health information.

Prerequisites: Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 705 Qualitative Methods in Public Health 3

Qualitative methodology from question formation to dissemination of findings in public health research and evaluation. Includes design, sampling, data collection and analysis.

HEA 707 Determinants of Health 3

Examines how biology, behavior, psychology, culture, and the environment affect population-level health with an emphasis on social, political, economic contexts and structural/institutional bias, racism, and discrimination.

Prerequisites: Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 709 Community Health Interventions 3

Overview of theories, successful intervention strategies, and methods of implementation across the social ecology and their application to the development of health education programs.

Prerequisites: HEA 601, HEA 602, HEA 603, HEA 604, HEA 608.

Corequisites: HEA 602.

HEA 710 Epidemiology Methods 3

Overview of basic epidemiologic concepts and methods used to understand the distribution of health and disease in populations. Focus is on application to community health education.

Prerequisites: HEA 700, HEA 704.

HEA 712 Management of Community Health Organizations 3

Analysis and skill development in management of community health organizations, including self-reflection, planning, staffing, marketing, building and managing agency and community teams. Literature reviews, community interviews, case study and experiential analysis.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree program or permission of instructor.

HEA 716 Promoting Worker and Workplace Health and Safety 3

Methods of assessing and addressing worker and workplace health and safety, including advocating for, planning, and evaluating workplace initiatives within the NIOSH Total Worker Health framework.

Prerequisites: HEA 616.

HEA 717 Practicum in Workplace Wellness 3

Supervised experience in the creation, delivery, and/or evaluation of wellness programs or services in a workplace setting.

Prerequisites: HEA 616 and HEA 716.

HEA 718 Assessment and Program Planning I 3

Introduction to methods of community health assessment and program planning. Application of methods through case studies and direct experience.

Prerequisites: HEA 700 and HEA 721. Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 719 Systems, Leadership, and Policy I 3

Provides an overview of health policy issues and analyses using systems thinking tools. Introduces leadership and advocacy skills for engaging communities in health policy change.

Prerequisites: HEA 700 and HEA 707. Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 721 Public Health Theories and Strategies 3

Foundations in public health theories and theoretical thinking; major interventions and strategies in community health education; linking theories, health issues, and strategies.

Prerequisites: Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 722 Social Epidemiology 3

Content, methods, and theory of social epidemiology.

Prerequisites: HEA 704, HEA 710.

Corequisites: HEA 704, HEA 710.

HEA 723 Assessment and Program Planning II 3

Provides development of essential skills in community health assessment and program planning. Emphasis is on the application of skills in different settings and across social ecological levels.

Prerequisites: HEA 718 and HEA 719. Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 724 Systems, Leadership, and Policy II 3

Application of the policy-making processes and issues at the organizational level. Focus on using systems thinking tools in leadership and management as well as in policy analysis.

Prerequisites: HEA 718 and HEA 719. Major in the Public Health Education department or permission of instructor.

HEA 725 Advanced Community Health Projects 1-6

Scholarly inquiry project developed by the student with faculty guidance.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

HEA 726 Evaluation Methods 3

Standards of and methods in the evaluation of community health education programs and policies. Focus on connecting tools and techniques of evaluation to assessment, program planning, and community engagement.

Prerequisites: HEA 703, HEA 704.

HEA 735 Topics in Community Health Research 3

Specific course title identified each semester offered by subtitle (e.g., Organizational Behavior, Women and Girls Health, Applied Research in Communities). May be repeated for credit when topic varies.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

HEA 740 Global Health Issues 3

Examine global health issues with an analysis of the determinants of health status in selected world regions and analyze global prevention efforts. Study of international organizations, roles, and programs.

HEA 751 Foundations of Research for Public Health Education 3

Central issues in the philosophy of social and behavioral science applied to public health. Assumptions, conceptual frameworks, ethics and methodologies necessary to pursue research in community health education are examined.

Prerequisites: Admission to Ph.D. program or permission of instructor.

HEA 752 Quantitative Methods in Public Health 3

Research methods and ecologic, experimental, and observational research designs in community health education. Topics include advanced study designs, reliability, validity, generalizability, bias, sampling, and power.

Prerequisites: HEA 751.

HEA 758 Advanced Theoretical Basis for Community Health Education 3

Examination of theories used by health educators to conduct research in organizational, community, or individual change and improvement in health and quality of life.

Prerequisites: HEA 609, HEA 751, HEA 752, or permission of instructor.

HEA 761 Teaching Practicum in Public Health Education 3

Application of concepts and strategies learned in HHS 703 Teaching Undergraduates in Health and Human Services. Allows for improvement in teaching via weekly reflection and assessments, teaching observations, and discovery and use of appropriate resources to enhance teaching effectiveness.

Prerequisites: HHS 703.

HEA 762 Gender and Health 3

Health issues and health problems with respect to gender differences, similarities and historical conceptions.

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree program or permission of instructor.

HEA 765 Advanced Program Evaluation in Public Health Education 3

Advanced education in program evaluation, evaluation designs, and their application to complex public health interventions. Emphasis on evaluation practices relevant for Community-Based Participatory Research programs in public health education.

Prerequisites: Pr. or Coreq.: HEA 602, HEA 604, HEA 622, HEA 751, HEA 752, HEA 753.

HEA 776 Problems Seminar 3

Specific course title identified each semester by a subscript, e.g., Problems Seminar: Professional Literature in Health Education.

Prerequisites: Previous course work in appropriate content areas or permission of instructor.

Notes: May be repeated for credit.

HEA 799 Dissertation 1-12

Individual direction in the development and execution of a doctoral dissertation.

HEA 803 Research Extension 1-3

Research Extension.