Guide To Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are comprised of the following information:

  • course number—each course description is represented by a three-letter prefix (indicating the department or program within which the course is taken) and a three-digit course number.
  • course title
  • course credit—after each course title is one number which indicate credit hours.
  • description of course content
  • prerequisites and/or corequisites
  • General Education credit (Distribution)
  • special information (Notes), which may include:
    • special restrictions or other requirements
    • repeat-for-credit notation, if course can be repeated
    • grading mode, if other than letter grade
    • courses with which the course may be cross-listed (i.e., Same as . . .)
    • equivalent course credit

See topics listed below for explanations of the above items.

Course Prefixes

See the topic Course Prefixes in this Academic Program Terminology section.

Course Numbers and Levels

Course level numbers are structured as listed below.

Course Level Number Description
100-199 intended primarily for first-time-in-college students
200-299 intended primarily for sophomores
300-399 intended primarily for juniors
400-499 intended primarily for seniors
500-599 for all graduate students
600-749 for all graduate students, including doctoral
750-799 doctoral level only

Undergraduates are reminded that a minimum of 36 credit hours must be completed at the 300 level or above to meet graduation requirements.

Course Credit Hours

Credits for all courses are reported in credit hours. A credit hour credit equals one 50-minute class period per week or its equivalent throughout one semester. The number of credits given for each course is listed as part of the course description immediately following the course title.

Course Type Abbreviations with Instructional Delivery Method

See the topic Course Type Abbreviations with Instructional Delivery Method in this Academic Program Terminology section.

Course Description

The description of a course is necessarily brief and is intended to give students a concise overview of course content. A course syllabus, which contains complete details about a course’s content and requirements, may be obtained from the department or instructor.

Course Prerequisites and/or Corequisites

A prerequisite is a course that must be completed before another course may be taken. A corequisite is a course that must be taken concurrently with another course. Prerequisites and corequisites are indicated with the heading Prerequisite or Corequisite followed by the requirements that must be met before that course may be taken. A student may not enroll in a course without having completed the proper prerequisites unless these prerequisites have been waived by the head of the department in which the course is offered.

Cross-Listed Courses

These courses meet in the same room at the same time but may have a different course prefix and may have different numbers. Cross-listed courses are listed under the Cross Listed Courses heading (“Same as . . .”). Students should be aware of cross-listings before registering in order to avoid taking a course for which they will not receive additional credit.

General Education Requirement Abbreviations

See the General Education Program topic in the Undergraduate Requirements section.

Other Course Restrictions

Some courses carry additional restrictions (Seniors only; Majors only; etc.). Such restrictions are also listed in the prerequisite notation.

Repeat-for-Credit Notation

Some courses may be repeated for credit under special circumstances. Such information is listed in the Notes.

Grading Method

Courses are graded by letter grade (A–F) unless otherwise noted in the course description. If a course is graded other than by letter grade, this information is stated after the prerequisite listing. Also see the topic on Grading in the Academic Regulations and Policies Section.

Pass/Not Pass Courses

Undergraduate/advanced undergraduate courses that are graded P/NP (Pass/Not Pass) or S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) and are so noted in their descriptions.

Equivalent Course Credit

A number of undergraduate courses have course content that is considered equivalent to other similar courses. The course entry in this bulletin will contain a notation under the Notes heading—such as “Students may not earn credit for both . . .” Students should be aware of such equivalencies before registering in order to avoid taking a course for which they will not receive additional credit.