Course Prefixes

Listed below are the current graduate and undergraduate course prefixes.

AAD - Arts Administration
ACC - Accounting
ADS - African American and African Diaspora Studies
APD - Apparel Product Design
ARB - Arabic
ARC - Archaeology
ARE - Art Education
ARH - Art History
ARS - Academic Recovery Seminar
ART - Studio Art
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Astronomy
ATY - Anthropology
BIO - Biology
BLS - Humanities
BUS - Business Administration
CCI - Classical Civilization
CED - Counseling and Educational Development
CHE - Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHI - Chinese
CNS - Consortium
CRS - Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies
CSC - Computer Science
CSD - Communication Sciences and Disorders
CST - Communication Studies
CTP - Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Education
CTR - Community and Therapeutic Recreation
DCE - Dance
ECO - Economics
ELC - Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations
ENG - English
ENS - Music Ensemble
ENT - Entrepreneurship
ERM - Educational Research Methodology
FFL - Foundations for Learning
FIN - Finance
FMS - Freshman Seminars
FRE - French
FYE - First Year Experience
GEN - Genetic Counseling
GER - German
GES - Geography, Environment, and Sustainability 
GRK - Greek
GRO - Gerontology
HDF - Human Development and Family Studies
HEA - Public Health
HED - Higher Education
HHS - School of Health and Human Sciences
HIS - History
HSS - Honors Programs
HTM - Hospitality and Tourism Management
IAA - Advanced Data Analytics
IAB - Bioinformatics
IAC - Computational Analytics
IAF - Informatics and Analytics Foundations
IAG - Geospatial Analytics
IAH - Health Informatics
IAL - Cultural Analytics
IAR - Interior Architecture
IDT - Instructional Technology and Design
IGS - International and Global Studies
IPS - Integrated Professional Studies
ISE - International Student Exchange
ISL - Integrated Studies Lab
ISM - Information Systems and Operations Management
IST - Information Science
ITA - Italian
ITL - Interlink
JNS - Japanese Studies
KIN - Kinesiology
KOR - Korean
LAT - Latin
LIB - University Libraries
LIS - Library and Information Science
LLC - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
MAS - Master of Applied Arts and Sciences
MAT - Mathematics
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MCP - Middle College
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MSC - Military Science
MST - Media Studies
MUE - Music Education
MUP - Music Performance
MUS - Music Studies
NAN - Nanoscience
NTR - Nutrition
NUR - Nursing
ONC - Online NC Interinstitutional
PCS - Peace and Conflict Studies
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RCO - Residential College
RCS - Retailing and Consumer Studies
REL - Religious Studies
RUS - Russian
SCM - Supply Chain Management
SES - Specialized Education Services
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SSC - Social Sciences
STA - Statistics
SWK - Social Work
TED - Teacher Education
THR - Theatre
UNCX - UNC Exchange
VPA - Visual and Performing Arts
WCV - Western Civilization
WGS - Women’s and Gender Studies